~||Chapter 18: Bestfriends||~

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Note: OMG GUYS 900 READS THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!! ♡ Also shout out to gucciaverys for voting and getting the answers right!! :))) Thank you so much for the support! Your absolutely amazing!


When.. I accidentally trip from my own two feet and fall down as jack also falls down from behind me. We rolled around the floor as we ended up being on top of each other.
Actually, I WAS on top of jack.. This is one of those horrible awkward situations where im too embarassed of myself, that I dont even know ehat to do or say. My hair was all on my left side as my hands beside jacks sides arms. My face was an inch away from his face and with our nose almost touching. "Are you alright?" Jack said chuckling. "Yeah, are YOU alright?" I asked back. "Yeah.." He laughed. "What's so.. funny.. again?" I asked confused. "Its just.. this happens a lot, and now I feel like you have something else to tell me.." He jokes. "Shut up, avery.." I said getting up. But all of a sudden, jack pulls me back down and this time HIS on top of me. "What do you think your doing?" I said in once again confused and a little mad tone. "IS.. there something you wanna tell me, Cruz?" He said with a mockingly, cut--- annoying smirk.

"No.. ughh this is just gonna go on forever. I feel your the one who has something to say to me.." I said mocking him. "Yeah.. actually.. your really cute when your mad.." He smirked as he gets up. "Jerk.." I said getting up as well. "Im just a noodlehead, not a jerk.." He said lifting his shoulders up and as well as his hands. As I brush off the dust on my clothes.

I look around and saw jacks phone on the ground which reminds of MY phone. I suddey remember that I still need to look for my phone?! I stood there looking around without asking jack since I just felt a little shy to ask, as jack picks up his phone and looks at me. He then walks towards the desk, and come back to me. "By the way here's your phone. I forgot to give it back to you right when you wokeup, but I did charge it. So you can call your parents. I know your probably mad at me for not giving a little sooner but.."

"Its alright jack.. I understand..and thank your for being so caring and sweet all morning.. You really made me happy.." I said smiling at him gratefully. He smile back to me and hands me my phone as I take it from his hands. We sit back to the bed, as I phone my parents.

~Phone convo~

Pj: "Hey, mom. Sorry I only got my phone just now, so I couldn't call you any sooner. And, Im at the boys house, jack said he called you for permission before letting me sleep the night here?"

Mom:"Oh yes jack did ask. And Its fine besides, me and your dad had to do a few things and can't be home after 2 days. So we won't be home until.. wednesday? You can stay at the boys house if you want since I brought your siblings with us. Cuz they wanted to come. You can grab your clothes back at the house and the keys are under the flower pot."

Pj: "So you guys basically went out as a family and left me out?"

Mom: "Its not like that dear. Its just we really needed to go out and because you didn't come home, we started to get worried. Since jack phoned us saying that your staying there, We just let you stay there for now. So now you can spend your 2 days there. We'll just ask david how your doing there..

Pj: "Oh wow mom thanks. Anyways, Fine. Ill just stay here at jacks and the boys house. Ill just go home and grab a few clothes and come back. Ill just call you or something if I need something."

Mom: "Alright dear! We love you. Take care!

End of call~

"So, you'll be staying?" Jack asked.
"I guess so. If thats okay of course?" I said facing him and put down my phone.
"We don't mind at all.. Do you want me to drive you to your house later after eating so you can grab you stuff?" Jack said as if he can read my mind.
"Thanks jack, that would be nice." I said smiling.

~Between Us? Jack Avery🌹Where stories live. Discover now