💝Chapter two 💝

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Asia's pov
After we got my phone we decided to go back to school. We walked in and headed to the cafe cuz it was lunch.

New kid has been staring me down this whole time. I mean I know I'm cute but can I catch a break.

As soon as the guys see us they all run over to us. But they all crowd around new kid asking questions and telling doing hand shakes and stuff.

I pull riah to the side.

"Is he myles" I ask her.

"Oh my bad I forgot to tell you yea he is"

After they stop we all sit down at are lunch table.

"Vro you know yall missed two periods yall  got hella make up work" jahi says.

" Yea and I covered for yall" Caleb says smirking. That's never a good thing.

"How?" Me and mariha say at the same time.

"Oh nothing I just told our teacher that's y'all had lady problems" he says and everybody just bust out  laughing including me and riah.

"You couldn't have came up with anythig else" I laugh.

"Nope" he says.

Just then alex comes over to our table she must'ev spotted myles with her hoeing ass. I hate here like with a fucking passion. This bitch right here in 8th grade said some slick shit to me expecting me not to say sum but I cussed her out infront of the teacher cuz my mama ain't raise no bitch. Ever since then she do lil slick shit on the low but she can catch these hands she keep playing.

She walks over to myles and he looks at her like shes crazy.

"myles you wanna sit at our table"she says.

We all look at each other like what the fuck. How She already know his name

"nah I'm good right here" he says turning back to us.

"so you'd rather sit with these dumb-"  i stand up cutting her off.

I had to say something  cuz the guys won't touch girls and Mariah is to nice so imma have to fix this.

"First off  im not in the mood for you today and he said no and no means no second I don't know who you calling a dumbass because you can't even spell ya own damn name so I suggest you find somewhere to be cuz they won't touch you" I say pointing to my crew.

"but I will and if you think I won't you got me all the way fucked up" I say to her.

She looks me up and down and I could see the fear in her eyes.

"Man I'm leaving before i catch a case" I say standing up and walking away from the table.

I walk outside into the hallway. To cool down she lucky I can't touch her first.

"Fuck" I say to myself. I need to get that a under control befor I hurt somebody.

Just then Mariah and the guys come out into the hallway.

"you good" mariha says to Me.

"Yea yea I'm all right" I stand up and take a deep breath.

"Man I thought I was gone have to break y'all up" Tyler says laughing.

"Atleast she smart enough to know when to stop cause you wasnt playing" jahi says to me.

"Yea but I'm about to go home I'm not really feeling school anymore and I've barely been here" I sigh. 

"if you not staying im not staying df" jahi says.

Everybody nods their head in agreement.

"so y'all all coming to my place"

"Yea" they all say.

This one right here I think he got staring problems he keeps on looking at me. I wanna say something but then again I don't. Idk.

They all head off to their lockers while I wait by the entrance. Then Alex just had to find her way to me.

I roll my eyes and ignore her did I not tell her i wasn't in the mood. If she wanted an ass whooping today would be a great day to get one.

She then walks towards me.

"Hey" she says fake smiling at me. I don't respond to her. So she keeps talking.

"Your friend Myles he's cute" I roll my eyes at her again the only time she was fake nice is if she wanted something.  And I'm guessing that something was myles.

"Sorry he's taken" I say not thinking about what I had just said.

"Really?" She says catching an atitude. She was no longer playing nice.

"Yuhp so leave him alone please and thankyou" I say leaning up off the locker.

"Oh really so who's gonna make me leave him alone" she said stepping closer to me.

"Fine do whatever you want with him just leave me the fuck out of it" I say getting a little closer to her.

Then Myles comes around the corner with his book bag. He sees us and rushes over.

"Aye what's going on" he says to me.

"Oh I was just wondering if you were single" Rachel answers for me.

"Yea i am but im talking to someone so no" he says.

"Oh so you are single" she says looking at me.

"What's that supposed to mean? He asked looking at her.

"Oh nothing it's just that Asia said you were taken" she smirks at me.

"oml can you go befor I hurt you" I was giving her a warning before I popped off.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes but walked away. And I relaxed and leaned back up against the lockers with myles.

"So whats your excuse" I ask to him.

"Oh I just told the nurse I wasn't feeling good and she gave me a pass" he says showing me the pink slip he had in his hands.

"Oh cool" I say.

"What's yours" he said.

"I don't need one"

"What about your parents aren't they going to see that your missing school" he asks me.

"Don't have parents anymore" I sigh.

It was quite after that we didn't say anything else to each other. He looked like he was deep in thought about something.

Favorite food? Mine's hotwings 😂

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