🌌😶Chapter Twenty-Four🌌😶

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I walked into school everyone watching me as usual.

I walked past Alex and her group of thots. They laughed as I passed them any other time I would've ignored it but my mental state was not good at the time so my anger issues were in high effect.

"Do y'all want a picture it'll last longer damn" I said turning to them. They laughed some more and I walked towards them.

"Don't know what the fuck y'all laughing at but chill out or you can catch these hands cause today is not the day" I said specifically looking at alex.

Alex turns her phone towards me the picture of myles and the girl was on her screen. She laughed.

"I knew he didn't really want you" she said a smirk on her face.

"Watch what comes out of your mouth for you catch this fade" I said walking away before I pulled her tracks out.

"Your just a hoar anyway" I heard her say from behinde me.

I immediately turned around I dropped my back pack. I slapped the phone out of her hand and she looked at me shocked. I swing at her hitting her dead in her face. There was now a crowd around us and I could hear people calling my name. I didnt pull her hair cause to me that's a bitch move but i kept punching and kicking her.

I kept hitting her and I was taking every once of anger out on her. Then I was being pulled off I was pressed against someone's chest and my feet weren't on the ground.

"Let go of me" I yelled trying to get out of the person's grip.

"That bitch deserves this let me kick her ass" I said yelling at the top of my lungs.

The person walked around the corner and it was now quite I was still angry and wanted to break everything insight.

I turned around to see jamal smirking at me. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I think you kicked her ass good enough were not about to catch a case  today" he said standing infront of me.

"Get the hell away from me Jamal" I said through gritted teeth.

"Come on" he said putting his hand on my shoulder I slapped it off and he furrowed his eyebrows and had an angry look on his face.

I tried to walk away again and he grabbed me and kissed me. I heard Myles yell my name but it stopped.

I pushed Jamal off of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you" I yelled and slapped him.

I speed walked away from him angry I wanted to hurt everyone break everything and go away.

I ran into someone I looked up to see myles.

"What was that?!?!" He yelled.

"If you don't wanna get hit get out of my face" I said pushing past him.

"Now you see why I don't trust you" he yelled behinde me. I turned to face him.

"Fuck you cause I'm not the one who cheated while we were dating okay you act like I wanted him to kiss me" I yelled.

"Myles don't ever talk to me again like real talk not even playing fuck off" I said walking away from him and turning the corner.

I heard him yell my name but only walked faster. I was running to hide in the girls bathroom when I ran into jahi and bri.

"Asia we looked every where for you" Bri said alarmed.

"You okay" he said looking me over. Tears were streaming down my face.

I pushed past them and ran into the girls bathroom. I collasped on the floor crying my heart out.

Why am I here??? Why can't I just die already?? My lifes a living hell i keep hurting the people that care about me then the people who don't care about me hurt me the most.  The brusies the beating"s the insults. I've never done anything to anyone I was born innocent people made me this way.

I cant trust anyone the people I let in hurt me i let Jamal in and he made me feel worthless I let my aunt in and she lowers my self of stem I let jahi's parents in they beat me and abused me Alex didnt even have to be let in to hurt me and...myles I let him in to early I only let jahi in because he protected me and I always knew I could trust him it took two years to let riah Dante Caleb and Tyler in I let Myles in and he broke my heart.

Every part of me was broken beyonde repair. My mind my body my soul...my heart. Everything about me was wrong I was a mistake.

I heard my name being called from the other side of the door it sounded like everyone was there.

"Asia it's alright" I heard jahi say.

"I'm sorry Asia please just please come out and talk to me I'm sorry" I heard Myles say. They continue yelling my name I just drown them out.

"Please don't do anything stupid" I heard jahi say in almost a crying tone. Hearing that made me sad and angry at the same time mostly angry.

But hearing the pain in his voice only made me feel bad for myself.

"Just go away just leave me alone" I yelled to them through tears.

"Asia your family we can't leave you alone" I heard Caleb say.

"Remember what I told you Asia don't do this to me" I heard jahi beg I sounded like he was crying.

"Jahi don't cry alright it's alright" I said.

"No it's not alright" I heard Myles say sounding like he was about to cry aswell.

"No Asia because you've done this befor and the outcome was not good" I heard jahi say.

"What??" I heard all of them say.



"Hey asia?" I heard jahi yelling for me.

"Its okay their gone" he said nearing the bathroom. I started crying as I pickes up the pill bottle.

"Asia!!" Jahi yelled alarmed.

"Asia" he starts banging on the door as hard as he could.

I opend the bottle and poured all the pills into my hand.

Jahi started kicking the door and yelling my name.

I tossed the pills into my mouth just as the door came off it's hinges and jahi ran in. He saw the empty pill botel
And ran over to me.

"Spit I out" he demanded.

He forced me to spit all of them out and I fell to the floor crying. Jahi grabbed me. He looked angry but more sympathetic.

"Don't ever do that again" I said seriously.  I just cride harder.

"Asia your only 16 i understand life is hard but don't ever try and kill yourself" he said rocking me back and forth.

"Suicide dosent take away the pain it only gives it to someone else" he said.

"What??" I said through tears.

"For example if you wouldve killed yourself just now all your pain would've went to your friends me riah Dante Caleb Tyler all of us we would all feel pain because you would be gone " he said sounding on the verge I tears.

"Plus who would be there to protect me" he said causing me to smile.

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