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Hi guys! So I am working on the story and have something good coming;). For now, I'm gonna answer a question that I've been asked quite a bit, well... two questions sort of.

What inspired me to start/begin writing?

Why vampires?

I think we all have something that got us into vampires, right? Maybe it was the Underworld franchise (Kate Beckinsale tho ❤️ 😳).

Maybe it Interview with a Vampire (Because Brad Pitt...swoon) or even perhaps it was Twilight (I was team Jacob.. 😂).

My favorite vampire movie of all time is Van Helsing. Don't ask me why, but I sort of love the actual destructive cruel devilish monster aspect of it versus the sexy romance side.

Fun fact. When I was in high school Twilight was being filmed, and my high school was one of the film locations! (Kalama High School) I actually remember sitting in my marketing class and we had to have the shades drawn because they would be filming outside! Pretty cool experience, and the school got a bunch of money afterwards lol. My best friends and I all went to the midnight premiere (as did like our entire county) and it ended up being a slight disappointment. I still like the movies though!

But anyways, my real inspiration and love for writing came from an experience I had a couple years after that one.

I had been in the Navy for about a year at this point and was deployed to the gulf. Didn't have a ton to do out there besides watch old movies off of a hard drive or play Left 4 Dead 2. (Am I giving away my age yet??)

I had VERY limited internet access but I actually decided to fb message (we actually used Facebook mobile and it was so weird lol) my favorite author, Lara Adrian. I had read her books for years and absolutely loved them. Thanks mom for getting me into romantic erotic fiction when I was 15 😂 😂. They really got me into the sexy sexy side of vampires and her books are fuggin good.

Lo and behold, she messaged me back! She asked about my deployment and asked for my mailing address so she could send me something. I assumed it was like her publicist or something so I said whatever and gave my address.

Three weeks later (took about 2-3 just to receive average mail) I received a package from Lara Adrian!! It had my favorite book in it, AUTOGRAPHED... it was flipping autographed. She sent me a couple book marks, a cup and a pen, all themed from the Midnight Breed Series.

This was the first ever actual real time I super celeb fangirled. And it proved to me that even a flipping NYT bestselling author had time for her fans, and I think that's why I like writing for other people. I take no inspiration on anything other than my imagination and the gusto  and amazingness of my readers.

So please keep up the love and support, I really wouldn't be able to do it without y'all 😘

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