Crazy Neighbour Tried To Break Into My House

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Ok, so I've contemplated posting this for a little while. It happened a good few years go, back in my early teens. To give a bit of background, the street I grew up on was very suburban and as a child, I was often allowed to stay out late because the area was safe and everybody knew everybody.

Eventually, this middle-aged guy moved onto our street. He was nice enough, but he rarely interacted with anyone on the street. My friend knew his family and had disclosed to me that he had a wife and children but in the year or so that he had lived on the street, I'd never seen anyone visit/move in with him. It was obvious he lived by himself.

So one night, I'm awoken by the sound of the doorbell ringing repeatedly and loud banging against the front door. I tried to go downstairs to see what was going but my older sister appears on the stairs and immediately tells me stay upstairs, I asked her why and she doesn't tell me. Naturally, I was confused and curious, so I peered downstairs and saw my mother pressing her weight against the front door. The door was looked and bolted but she still leaned against it. I look out the window to see my neighbor angrily smashing his fists against the door while threatening to kill us.

I was majorly freaked out by this and I began asking my sister more questions. She tells me they've called the police and dad was on his way home (my father often worked night shifts).

Eventually, my dad arrived and a few of the others neighbors had come out to see what was going on, they managed to get him away from the front door and police eventually arrived and took him. Apparently, the next day he had no recollection of what had occurred and he had told a police officer to pass on his apology to us. As it turned out, he'd gotten insanely drunk the night before and forgotten that he'd turned his kitchen light on. He then assumed that because he couldn't remember turning the lights on, that somebody had snuck into his house and turned them on and it must have been one of us.

My mother was absolutely seething and rightly so. He may have sobered up the next day but what would've happened if he had gotten in? What would he have done then? I personally believe he was on more than just booze that night, but what do I know? Thankfully, he moved away a few weeks later.

Dear creepy neighbor, let's not meet again.

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