Trespasser Tortured Me And My Mom When I Was A Kid

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This part of the story happened roughly around 1990 during my summer break from school, but continued on for quite some time. I must have been about 2nd or 3rd grade-age. I grew up with just my mom, my dad was never in the picture, so we lived alone until I was about 12, when she remarried. Our secluded, country neighborhood was safe for the most part, and all of our immediate neighbors were elderly, save for one couple who had a few young adult sons around my brother's age. For the most part though, didn't have much riff-raff in the area.

At first, there were only minor clues to indicate something was going on, such as things being moved in the back yard, and I guess because my mother has always been a paranoid conspiracy theorist, she had an idea that something was happening. I didn't really know this until I heard her talking about it much later after the events (she tried to hide things so they wouldn't scare me). She even started sleeping in my room with me at night, probably because she was paranoid, but I assumed it was because we could stay up late and watch movies together and eat snacks.

One morning after I got up, I noticed that our old wooden back door had huge chunks missing out of it around the part where the lock/bolt goes into the door frame. It was as if someone was trying to chip away at the locked part. I showed mom what I had discovered, not realizing why the door was damaged, and she went completely silent, pale faced, and panicked. I could tell something was wrong, but I was too young to understand that someone had apparently tried to break in, either in the night or when we were out. That day, she mended the door to the best of her ability and if I remember correctly, she even put a new/different lock on it from the hardware store. She also filed a police report, but there was nothing they could do.

I had a German Shepard named Munchie. He was a big spoiled baby who loved raiding the fridge with me, but to a stranger, he was probably very intimidating. He was my best friend and very watchful over me, and I still miss him to this day. For a week or two, after mom and I would go to bed, Munchie would start pacing and whining, and acting very anxious. Since we lived in such a rural place with no imminent danger (we thought), mom would frequently let him outside by himself, so one night, when he was acting exceptionally strange, she let him outside alone.

We didn't have central air because our house was old, (built in the 50s), we were poor, and Kentucky summers weren't really too hot anyway. At night, mom would open up all the windows in the house, (with the half-way burglar latch, of course). Since she was in my room with me, watching a movie, we had both my bedroom windows all the way up. My back window overlooked a bit of a hill, which gradually sloped into a low, wide bottom. The bottom was full of tall weeds and bushes.

Suddenly, we heard movement in the brush of the bottom -- Munchie. Then we heard him snarling like a werewolf. Mom got up and ran to the window, but couldn't see anything. What we heard next was horrifying. It sounded as if Munchie was attacking someone. He was making those awful noises as if he was eating someone alive. I began to cry, terrified that something would happen to my best friend, and my mom started screaming in horror for Munchie to come home. We heard what sounded like someone escape my dog's wrath, and take off through the brush. Mom ran to the back door with me right behind her, and called for Munchie at the top of her lungs until he came running back into the house. He was panting and grunting, and bristled up. I hugged him so tight, I probably nearly squeezed the life out of him.

As time progressed, things got worse. Being so young, I didn't know for a long time, but my mom was safeguarding the house. She even moved a tall dresser in front of my window that overlooked the hill and bottom. She tried her best, but whoever was harassing us was finding new ways to make our life hell. Or maybe try to kill us. One night, she said she heard peculiar noises coming from the back yard. I don't necessarily remember this, so I called her for details before writing this.

The sounds were coming from under the dining room windows, which overlooked the back yard. She turned on the security light on the back of the house, and saw a ladder propped up against the back of our house, as if someone was trying to climb through our windows. This incident seemed more like an empty threat than a real attempt, especially considering the back door was probably easier access. We don't know if the person thought the windows would be unlocked, or what, but for whatever reason, they gave it a try. Again, she called our local police, and they did nothing. I should probably note that we really didn't have much law enforcement there. You probably wouldn't believe me if I tried to tell you how worthless law enforcement was and still is in that area.

On another occasion, (and this memory is burned into my brain because it scared me SO bad), someone snuck up to my bedroom window one night. I hate to even think what they're intentions might have been. Mom had drifted off to sleep, but I was quietly watching the rest of Willy Wonka. I was looking in the direction of my ominous window, the one overlooking the bottom, so I ended up getting a good look at this big, white hand, which reached up and slapped my window screen multiple times in rapid succession. I screamed, mom woke up, and the tormentor took off, no doubt through the brushy bottom.

My mom is a dog person. She adores dogs, and has always had lots of dogs and puppies around. We had seven little black pups and the mother dog around this time, and they lived outside on our huge property, had plenty of space to play, and a nice, big dog house. At some point around the same time this stuff was happening, we had to be out of town for a few days. Mom had some people watching the house, and I guess she didn't really think anything horrendous would happen. Then again, she wasn't aware of how far this thing would go. When we came home, mom's puppies had been killed and lined up in a row in the side yard, close to my window that overlooked the bottom. This was devastating. The police did little to help, which included telling her how short to saw off her shotgun so that it was still legal, and advising us to keep Munchie in the house. I forgot to ask, but I'm nearly positive mom ended up sending the mommy dog away to my sister's house on the other side of town.

Months later, incidents were increasing in occurrence, and then someone decided to take it way too far. Something hit the back of the house in the wee hours of the morning. Mom looked out the windows and saw nothing, at least not until the next morning. She found a stick with a charred pine knot on it. Someone had apparently lit it on fire, and threw it at our house. I assume they were hoping our house would burn. And don't even ask about the cops, because they did nothing, yet again. I wouldn't be surprised if they knew who the culprit was, and didn't care.

Then one day, Munchie went missing. He had gone out to the bathroom in the evening before bed, but he didn't come back immediately like always. He vanished. I don't even want to go into detail about this because it breaks my heart all over again, but we found him days later. He had been poisoned.

To be completely honest, I could keep going with this story, although it takes a lot of unbelievable turns, not all of them are horrifying, some are just ridiculous. Then, around 2009, a multiple year long court case began where my mom had to fight a group of her neighbors in court to keep them from stealing her property. Those events led us to believe the people involved with that case may have had something to do with the torment we experienced all those years ago, but honestly, all we can do is assume. So tormentor, I wish we could meet, but you're a coward who harasses women and children and hurt animals.

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