The Babysitter

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My mother had me at the young age of 19 and was very proactive to ensure that she gave me the best up-bringing possible. So, she worked her ass off, had her own apartment, her own car, paid bills in time and catered to every need I had as an infant until I had to fly the coop. She's pretty amazing, and so is my family. Both my father and mother's side of the family were there whenever my mom needed someone to watch me when she had to go to work but sometimes not all schedules aligned and had to resort to hiring babysitters. I was told that she posted some fliers in popular places and cafes to get a larger audience in hopes of someone contacting her, and which to her surprise she received some feedback and hired a wonderful girl named Rachel.

Sounds pretty casual and anti climactic to some including myself. I always ask how I was as a child, some funny stories, memorable moments, etc. –I don't know why, I'm just that type of person who LOVES detail and will ask questions to grasp emotions and depth to any story especially those I'm interested in.

But to my surprise I found out that the process of finding a babysitter was much more difficult and unsettling, to say the least.

I didn't find this out until I was in high school, 3 years ago when I was in my junior year, after a volleyball game I was in. My mother and I were laughing about something when we were leaving the school doors and out to her car to head home for the night when a lady stopped us. Now, I've seen this lady around my school, usually after hours, to clean and take out the trash. She was a janitor and I never really thought about her deeply before until she stopped us that night. It was evident that she had special needs and I don't mean that in any bad or degrading way.

It was clear that she was excited to see me, and it was also clear that my mother was uneasy when she put her arm around my waist. "I know you! I used to baby sit you when you were younger," she'd say, "Just a wee-baby! I used to see you a couple times a month, we were practically best friends!" She even mentioned my name. To my knowledge, I had no idea who this woman was, at least personally. Immediately confused and before I could say another word my mom pushed me out the door and hastily walked to her car. She didn't say a word the whole ride home, and I didn't ask any questions.

A few days pass and I brought the situation up to my mom randomly. I could tell she was disturbed at the thought of it but she ended up sitting me down and telling me the story of when she was looking to hire someone to babysit me.

The lady I had met at school that night had contacted mom regarding her flier. I guess they went to the same school (which happens to be the school I went to) and since we live in a VERY small and rural town, she knew where my mother had lived. When my mom respectfully declined the lady got obsessive with her and I. She would call mom every day, visit her at work and even wait outside of her house to try and change her mind on hiring her. She would even write letters to my mom and stick them in the mailbox. It got to the point when one day, my mom woke up from a nap to her sitting on the floor in the living room and playing with me as I laughed with glee.

She stopped her story from there, I assume that she had either moved, had a restraining order or called the cops- maybe all three. But it really shook her up and I think anyone can understand why. We don't know how she got in the house or how long she knew how to get in, or even how long she's been entering the house.

All I know is that after that night, she stared at me while I had volleyball practice. Ever since I graduated high school I haven't seen her.

So, Lady, whoever you are, let's not meet...

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