What I Had To Deal With Because Someone Didn't Like My 8 Year Old Self

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When I was 8 years old I spent most of my free time playing in the streets near my house. I had a few friends from school who lived nearby, so I was always with the whenever I was out. Our group was made up of myself and my friends (not their actual names) Jake, Mark and Carl. Although there were usually other people with us. Everything was great and I never had any problems, we would frequently do things we shouldn't have been doing but we managed to stay out of trouble. Some pretty strange things happened to us on some occasions but nothing stopped us and we always felt fairly safe.

This was the case until the day I met Chris. He was 18 and lived on the same street as Jake. I don't know how they came to know each other but they claimed to be friends. We met in the alley behind Chris's house where he was playing with a remote-control car. I was happy to meet him but he clearly had a much different opinion of me. On the day, I met him I was only with Jake so I wanted to stay with him rather than going home. However, I wasn't given much choice as Chris told me to fuck off and threatened to set me on fire with a lighter he had. Jake wouldn't back me up so I just left feeling sad because Jake was my best friend. As I reached the end of the alley I looked behind me a saw Chris setting his car on fire. He looked up at me and my 8-year-old self could see the hatred on his face, this scared me so I ran the rest of the way home.

I didn't see Chris again for a while and I made sure to avoid going near his house. Unfortunately, this didn't last, despite my best efforts. This second time I saw him he was riding his bike down the street with a bunch of other people who seemed to be about the same age. He swore at me as he passed and the people with him did the same. Every day he did exactly the same thing but he and his gang would chase us down and crash into us. Every day I would have new tire marks on my legs from where I was hit. For some reason Chris had decided that he would terrorize and bully all of the kids in the area.

I stupidly decided to continue as if everything was fine and didn't tell anyone about what was happening. Things continued to get worse and in one encounter with Chris he chased me down the street with a sledgehammer and threatened to kill me if he caught me anywhere near his house. For some reason, this still did not deter me. Not long after that, Chris attacked me with a whip and forced me to carry large stacks of bricks and build a ramp for him to jump his bike. Although on this occasion he stopped whipping me and decided to help me build the ramp before telling me to leave. On another similar occasion Chris whipped me and forced me to walk a mile carrying a radiator. I don't know how Chris was never caught doing this but somehow nobody saw him or tried to stop him. I would have tried to run but I wasn't exactly the fastest and he would have caught me easily and things may have been much worse. To this day I still have scars from that.

After that I was near my friend Carl's house and unintentionally interrupted Chris and his friends trying to set some bushes on fire. They chased me with homemade flamethrowers and I was almost set on fire. I managed to escape unscathed but things didn't get better. A few days later my dad's car was broken into it and things were stolen. He threw rocks at both of my parents and even threw one through the window of my dad's car while he was driving. We kept calling the police on him and when he threw the rock through my dad's window, my dad threw it back at him. Most of the time my parents were caught completely off guard by his attacks and its a miracle that nobody got hurt.

Chris and his friends kept terrorizing me, my friends and my family. I was finally left alone when my Grandad caught one of Chris' friends chasing me on a bike. He knocked him of his bike, grabbed and threatened him. I never had any problems with Chris after that but he kept treating everyone around him like shit. A few years later I heard that he was arrested after a police manhunt and his family moved away. That was the last I heard about Chris and it has been a decade about a decade since the incident with my Grandad. I'm now 18 and Chris will be about 28 but I still never want to see him again. The only thing he ever did for me was give me a story to tell people about how weirdly dangerous my life was when I was 8. I don't know why he was the way he was but I don't care I just hate him.

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