Stalker Chick Killed My Cat

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So this was a couple years ago, when I was In 8th or 9th grade. I had two friends who I'll call Matt and Amy. See, Amy had taken an extreme liking to Matt, like really extreme. Amy would downright attack anymore that so much as bumps into Matt. I don't know if it was just an obsessive crush or something but it really made everyone In our friend group uncomfortable. Matt is a sweet guy so he didn't really judge her about it but he would always talk about how annoyed he got when she would get defensive over him.

Not even a year of Matt and Amy meeting, things had gotten really strange. Whenever I was hanging out with them I would notice that Amy would stare at me if I was ever too close to Matt or touch him. I should say that at this time I was starting to figure out that I was a lesbian, so I obviously had no attraction romantically towards Matt and definitely didn't flirt. So I told Matt about this and he told me he was getting annoyed with her acting like that with everyone else too, even his definitely-straight male friends. So Matt and I started to kind of avoid Amy and didn't really invite her to hang out, In hopes that she'll give up and go away or something. This was really stupid but we were like 13 and didn't know how to have serious conversations.

Anyways, a few weeks after we started avoiding her I was starting to get like a lot of emails for inappropriate websites In my school email which is like panic inducing for me because I use that email for all school related things, like opening up presentations. In the end, I created a new email for all my school stuff which was a big hassle because I had to transfer all my files.

Nothing happened for a while until I started to get anonymous threats and really inappropriate things In my facebook inbox. This doesn't sound that bad but I was 13 and one of the messages was talking about brutally killing my pets while describing how to get into my backyard. This was super creepy and I told Matt about it and he was saying he was getting weird messages too. He said that he was first sent love poems and songs and stories about him. He told the person to knock it off or he'll call the cops, which was a bluff. It stopped for a bit but started again. This time it was like the person was threatening to hurt themselves and posted pics of hurting themselves to Matt. We were both pretty freaked about this, yet we were dumb and didn't tell our parents because we thought we would get In trouble somehow, you know how kids act.

The online stuff keeps going on for a few months and gets more and more insane. Matt and I decided we'd both have to delete our facebooks because we were getting scared. After we did that, it just all stopped. While we were getting these messages, we didn't see Amy at all. Not at school or just at the local parks, which was odd because it was a small town.

One day, Matt and I planned hang out after school and we were going to walk to his house. I left my class and was going to meet up with him under this tree next to the parent pick-up. When I was a couple feet away, I noticed he was talking to someone. I got closer, walking slower than before, and heard that they were arguing. Matt was a quiet, chill guy and I never heard him yell before. As I got closer I noticed how Matt was so angry his ears were red and that the person he was talking to was Amy. Amy looked very different too. She looked paler and wore a lot of baggy, long clothes even though it was 110 F. I heard Matt say something like, "Stop harassing me and my friends" and "You are insane". Even though he was screaming at her, she had this really creepy grin, like when you have to smile for a photo you don't want to take. She said, "We haven't talked In so long... I missed you." I couldn't hear her properly and started to walk quickly to Matt because he honestly looked like he was going to swing at her.

When I caught up with them, Matt looked relieved and said that we should just go and started quickly towards his house. I looked towards Amy before I left and she didn't have her weird smile anymore. She was full-on glaring at me, her face contorted that it emphasized her eye bags and sunken features. She yelled yelled something at me about my cat but after seeing her creepy ass face I sprinted towards Matt to ask what the heck happened. Matt was silent, looking down at his hands while he cracked them; a habit he had when he was stressed. I decided not to push it and we forgot about it once we got to his house.

I stayed late, playing video games at his house and by the time I went to walk home it was around 6. The sun was starting to set but it would take at least an hour or so to fully set and I knew i could get home before that. I made it home to an empty house, heated up some dinner, and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I finally noticed my cat wasn't In my bed. This was super weird because she always slept with me. I thought maybe she was eating downstairs or something so I go and check her dish and her dinner from last night wasn't even touched. I had this ominous feeling In my stomach that I tried brushing off, but couldn't shake. My parents were either sleeping or at work so I made my lunch and ate breakfast and walked the five minutes to my bus. School was chill except that Matt kind of seemed super out of it. After my algebra class he said he had to talk to me after school and said to meet at the tree again. I was weirded out but said alright. I also asked him if he saw my cat, because she was known to wonder around the neighborhood, before we headed to our separate classes and he kind of just turned pale and shrugged it off. To be honest, I was annoyed that he didn't take it seriously but just went to class.

School ends and I meet up with him and he said that he knew where my cat was. I was kind of annoyed at this point because I straight up asked him about it and he didn't say anything, but I just wanted the info on my cat. I asked him where she was and he looked really uncomfortable. He pulled out his ipod touch and showed me a gorey picture of a cut off cat's tail with a bloodied note and collar, with my cat's nametag. I started crying because he started saying he found this at his backyard door and the note said something about Matt "cheating on them" and that this was their revenge. Matt said he was sorry and something else but I was kind of zoning out at this point. I only came back to focus when he started talking about Amy and that she must have done this. He explained the conversation that had prior and that he found out she was the one sending the weird crap to him and his other friends, who apparently were getting stalked as well. He said that Amy was talking about how I was apparently Matt's "girlfriend" and that she was going to get revenge on me.

I remembered that the day I went over to Matt's house, she said something about my cat. At this point we were both really creeped out. We went over to my house that day and couldn't help but look out my windows for Amy.

After a week, we noticed that we didn't see Amy again. We even asked around if anyone else had seen her and they all said they noticed she wasn't there either except for this girl who I didn't know really well. She said that Amy moved to another state. Matt and I were surprised at this and asked why. She said she didn't know but that Amy was super pissed about it.

At this point, all contact with Amy and me was severed and I never saw her again, but Matt would receive love letters, signed by no one, for another year. I stopped talking with Matt now, we kind of drifted, so I don't know if he stilled gets the letters. But all I know is that Amy, if you're still roaming the plains where I currently reside, let's not meet.

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