Maybe I Am Paranoid

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So I recently moved out of my home state because of something that happened in my old home. I am extremely paranoid and my therapist has recommended that I take up running again. He knows it helped me when I had postpartum depression and it helped me to stop having panic attacks. I now run daily. I have 3 or 4 routes that I take, and I have started to run into the same people on runs during that time of the day. I've built more confidence in humanity.

Every day, I take a run in the morning by myself. I go for about 3 to 5 miles just to get in the right head space. Yesterday morning, I noticed a 1989 Red Buick Lesabre in my neighborhood, it was right before the security gate. We live in a gated community with 25 to 30 other houses, I go running daily. You notice when something new is there or something is out of place. I live in a more northern country like area ...think North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.It's beautiful here and we have Southern Hospitality. It is beautiful running and seeing the sun come up over the trees that are changing colors. Its been great running in the cold whether as well. Everyone has been nice. I have had people stop and ask me if I am ok when I am sitting on the side of the road take a break on extra long runs. People are just really kind here.

Last night, I felt a panic attack coming on and our family puppy was being a hyper mess. It was about 5:30pm, my mom and husband were home and watching my son. So I decided to help the dog run out some of his energy and prevent my family from dealing with another one of my episodes. As we are running, I notice the same Lesabre but on a different street. My usually hyper, friendly and goofy dog slows his running pace down and as we get closer to the car stops and starts growling. I thought he might have seen our neighbors cat and was getting ready to pounce, but Oreo was no where in sight.

I tried to urge him to run more with a treat and we get moving as we get to the car, he is pulling and being reluctant. We run past it with no issue. But as we continue running past it he stops and looks back every 30 ft, this behavior continues for the next 2 blocks. Of course, my paranoid mind is racing.The car has illegal black tint on it, so I couldn't see inside if anyone was in the car. But in the blocks where we looked back nothing happened. The car was in the same spot.

So we continue running and we are about 2.5 miles from of our neighborhood. It is about 6:25pm, my pace is much slower with my smell loving dog. LOL It's pretty dark at this point so I decide it's time to turn around. As I turn around, I see a car coming down the street in our direction. It was the same 1989 Lesabre, as it drove past my dog flipped his shit and it caught me off guard and he tripped me. I was so scared this person would have super southern hospitality and stop when they see me fall, but they didnt. I got up quickly and calmed him down. The car kept driving, so my paranoid mind settled down as my hyper pup settled down.

About 1.5 miles later. I get a weird, I am being watched feeling around the same time the dog gets agitated again. I turn slightly and see a car driving slowly behind us. Because it was dark for short bit I wasn't able to make out the car under trees and I was further from the road because of how the trail winds around. It then gets under the a street light and it is the same Buick Lesabre that I saw in the neighborhood twice and the one that passed us about 15 to 20 minutes before. I am literally freaking out in my mind but trying to keep myself and the dog calm on this dark trail/road.

Keeping my pace, I call my husband and talk with him through my headphones. I let him know where I am and what is going on. I pick up our pace a little and tighten the dogs leash so that he is forced to keep my pace. The car is still trailing us. My husband stays on the line and is driving toward us. At this point I am about .8 to .9 miles from home, which isn't very far by car.

Within about 3 minutes, my husband pulls up in his Ford 250 and stops by the trail when he sees me, the Buick stops moving. I run to my husbands truck and get the dog in. My husband gets out of the car, he is kind of a big confrontational type of guy. As my husband gets out and slams the door he take about 10 steps toward the car, whoever was in the Lasabre threw the car in reverse and gunned it. By the time my husband got back to the truck and got it started the lesabre was about 3 to 4 blocks away and had turned off a side road. We did try to tail them to maybe get a license plate number or something but we lost them. We think they might have turned into a driveway and turned off their vehicle, there is no way they could have gotten far.

I am not sure if this has anything to do with the court case I am dealing with in my hometown or if this is some creep. today, my runs were done in the confinement of my neighborhood. The cops have been called and a report was taken. My husbands buddy is a retired marine and he is going to fly in, in 2 days. My husband is going to pay him to be a body guard/running partner for a month or so and he can stay with us until the case from my last post finalizes.

Creepy Buick Lesabre let's not meet again PLEASE

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