Creepy Guy On My Paper Route

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So when I was about 13 I got my first paper route. It was a subscription, so not everyone got one. 25 papers, 6 days a week, paid 60 bucks every two weeks. They had to be delivered before 7, so I usually got up at about 6. Since I got my route in May, it was fairly light out at that hour so that wasn't a problem. And then once, in July or August, I was plodding along, bored out of my mind, when I see this guy come out of his house. On closer inspection of this dude I start getting an off vibe. He was about 65, heavyset but not fat, with long, dirty, stringy yellow hair and an ugly beard to match. He says nothing, doesn't even seem to notice me, but just wanders around his yard and goes inside. I quickly deliver to the house next to his, thankful that I don't have to deliver to his house, and continue my route.

A few months go by, and I see him again a couple of times, doing the same thing: wandering around his yard. I've gotten used to it, so I ignore him. Life goes on.

And then it starts getting darker early in the morning. Every day it's a little dimmer. I start bringing a flashlight and a whistle with me, just in case. I was very cautious on Creepy Dude's street, and fortunately nothing happened. Until one day.

I was walking along, bored and tired as usual, but alert. I was delivering to his neighbors house, keeping an eye on him, since he was walking around his yard again. I turned my back on him to walk to the corner and noticed that he was walking to the edge of his yard near the sidewalk. I walked faster. Mind you, it was pitch black. I turned and saw he had left his yard and was following me, staggering along the sidewalk. I noped my ass out of there and was across the street with him hot on my heels when, thank you Jesus, a cop car cruised slowly down the street, just making the rounds. She could not have had better timing. Creepy guy went back to his house and I finished my paper route.

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