Strange Moment On A Highway Early In The Morning

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Every weekday, I would wake up early (around 5:00 am) for a morning workout, then head to my job. Generally I would leave my house around 5:30, because my morning drive took around 25-30 minutes, giving me enough time for two hours before I needed to leave before my shift started. Most of my drive was just me putting loud music on, trying to not fall asleep, and, it being a freeway before 6:00, almost everyone was going at least 10 mph over the speed limit.

I'd drive most of the time on a main interstate before turning off onto a smaller highway which I only would use for a mile or so. This highway was three lanes on each side. People also drive fast on here, but usually not more than 75 mph or more, and while you get some unsafe drivers in the morning, most people aren't swerving erratically

This highway runs North/South. An on-ramp from a main street becomes a lane, then there are two entrances from the freeway I would take every day, one from the Eastbound side and one from the Westbound side. I hope that makes sense, but basically, I got on from the Eastbound side right as three cars from the Westbound side are entering. One was some sort of orange sporty-ish car, and the other two were identical dark gray sedans. I don't remember exactly what make/model they were, but I remember them being fairly uncommon models, not a sedan you'd see 100 times a day. One was in front of this orange car, one behind. These guys were going at least 80 mph.

The orange car would change lanes, and the car in front would cut him off while the one behind would change lanes to remain behind him. They kept this up the entire time I was on the highway near them, weaving in and out of cars, not slowing down, before I pulled off at my exit.

This could be a complete coincidence and some asshole drivers, but I definitely got the vibe that the driver of the orange car was trying to get away from the gray cars. Maybe it was extreme road rage, or maybe something more sinister. Regardless, I'll never know. So, drivers of those gray cars, let's not meet.

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