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There's a story that Sam and Dean have heard. One about them having four sisters, but two of them the boys have never met before. But before I tell you anymore, you should know how the four came to be.

A woman was so desperate for children, that she made a rash deal with a crossroads demon as well as an angel.

The angel nor the demon could claim the woman's soul, because the woman never had one to begin with. When the bargain was struck it was agreed that if the woman gave birth to more than two children that the angel and the demon got to take one of the children as their payment.

Nine months later the woman gave birth to quadruplet girls- Sable, Raven, Ebony and Ash. As bargained the angel and the demon showed up to claim their payment. The angel took Sable, the eldest- and the demon took Ash, the youngest. Leaving Raven and Ebony behind.

The woman soon became quite ill, insomuch that she decided to track down the girl's father... the girl's father was a man with the name of John Winchester. At first John was hesitant to take in two newborns, it was dangerous to bring children up in the hunting lifestyle. It was Sam's puppy eyes that won him over.

Just over a year later Sam left for school convincing Dean to let him at least take Raven with him. You see Raven has always liked Sam more than Dean. And Ebony has always liked Dean more than Sam.

-Four years later-

Dean and Ebony show up on Sam's doorstep. Since Dean wants to be somewhat of an example to his younger sister he knocks on the door, when no one answers within two seconds Dean picks the lock. When Sam shows up and realizes that the intruders are his siblings he just rolls his eyes. A tired Raven stumbles out into the living room and crashes into a wall. Sam chuckles as he walks over to the tired five year old and picks her up and places her on his hip.

"What are you doing up Baby Moose?" He asks as Raven drops her toy moose. Raven doesn't answer just makes grabby hands towards her toy. Ebony walks over to the toy, picks it up, and holds it above her head pulling a Lion King. Her brown doe eyes look up at Sam.

"I knew that it would be a bad idea to show Ebony that movie." Dean mutters.

"What movie?" Sam asks in response.

"The Lion King." Sam laughs lightheartedly as Ebony hands him the moose toy, the tallest Winchester then hands the toy back to Raven.

"I made the mistake of showing Raven Brother Bear, and she will not stop quoting the two moose- hence the nickname." Dean chuckles in response. "So what brings you here Dean?"

"For one thing, Ebony wanted to see Raven... and Dad hasn't been home in a few days."

It takes a little bit for Dean to convince Sam to come with him on a hunt. "What about Raven and Ebony?" Sam asks. Dean glances at the two girls. The two of them are fast asleep using one another as pillows.

"Think your girlfriend would be willing to watch the two of them for a few days?" He asks in response.

"I can ask."

-Next day, Sam's dorm.-

Jess agreed to look after the two girls. To keep the two girls out of trouble she puts on some Looney Tunes to keep them busy. Unfortunately the girls get bored two hours in.

"Jess, could we make cookies?" Raven asks with her blue puppy dog eyes.

"Oooh, could we make them soft and gooey?" Ebony adds in. Jess cracks a smile.

"I don't see why not." She replies.

Jess isn't really surprised that right after putting the cookies in the oven that the two five year old girls take a nap. She is also slightly relieved that the two balls of endless energy are finally calm/asleep. Jess is used to Raven's energy- but Ebony's is completely different.

When Sam and Dean get back, Jess hands both Sam and Dean a cookie. "I'm surprised that the girls didn't eat all of them." Sam says with a grin

"Trust me they wanted too." Jess replies. Dean then asks Ebony if she wants to stay with Sam or come with him. Ebony says that she'll go with Dean- if Raven could come along. Sam sighs knowing that Raven will more then likely want to go with Ebony- but it doesn't hurt to ask. The girl with the blue eyes and raven black hair looks a little torn but eventually she says that she wants to go with Ebony.

-Time skip-

Sam leaves the dorm for a few minutes to pick up some groceries, it was going to be hard for him to adjust to buying food for two people instead of three. When he gets back and puts away the groceries he goes to his shared room with Jess and flops on the bed. He rolls onto his back and closes his eyes. He suddenly feels something that feels like warm water hit his face. Confused, the tallest Winchester opens his eyes and looks up at the ceiling expecting to see a burst pipe- however it isn't a burst pipe. Something pinned Jess to the ceiling and she is bleeding from the stomach.

Sam stays in the burning dorm until Dean grabs his brother by the arm and drags him outside. Dean then leads his younger brother to his car, Raven and Ebony are sprawled out, asleep in the backseat. Dean sighed knowing that he would have to explain to them what happened, and why Sam was now traveling with them.

"So where are we going?" Sam asks.

"Taking the girls to Bobby's, then we find dad." Dean replies.

"Are you sure he isn't going to get them drunk at five- and that he isn't going to fill the two of us up with buckshot?"

"He hasn't gotten Ebony drunk yet nor has he shot me." Sam laughs sarcastically in response.

"I was being serious." He points out.

"So was I. Now let's go." Dean retorts as he gets into the driver's seat of the impala. Sam sighs as he gets into the impala after his brother.

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