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Ash was in the middle of torturing Dean, when he suddenly disappears.

"SABLE YOU BITCH, I WASN'T DONE TORTURING HIM YOU FUCKER!!!!!!!" Ash yells at her sister, not knowing that it was actually Cas.

"What are you yelling about, darling?" Crowley asks.

"Dean's gone, I can't torture him anymore." Ash answers with a pout. "Sable pulled him outta hell."

"You sure that it was your sister?"

"No, but she's the only angel that I know personally."

"I see."

-Time skip, with Ebony and Raven-

Ebony hated that she couldn't see Dean once he died, and she still hasn't gotten over it. Raven on the other hand was perfectly fine, she missed Sam though. Bobby gets this call that he wasn't expecting and thinks it's an elaborate prank, but the tone in the boy's voice was definitely Dean.

Ebony and Raven share a look thinking that Sable was being an ass again- but then again, she isn't very good at mimicking voices.

About an hour later, Dean shows up on Bobby's doorstep. Ebony just stands there and stares at Dean thinking that he wasn't real, and that he's just a shifter.

"What'cha looking at Ebony? I haven't changed."

"Uh... you were ripped to shreds... four months ago." Ebony replies in disbelief.

"What are you trying to say, Squirt?"

"Y-you're supposed to be dead."

"Oh my god- Sable is a bitch and she was actually telling the truth." Raven states as she walks into the room.

"About what?" Dean asks.

"Me, being covered head to toe in your blood. If that answers your question." Sable retorts as she appears behind Ebony and Raven "Which, by the way, was disgusting."

"You fucking bitch, how many fucking times do I have to fucking tell you not to fucking show up and fucking scare me." Ebony says angrily.

"What is your record of fucks in one sentence?" Sable calmly asks in response.

"The record is seven."

"Only seven?!"

"You got a fucking problem with that?"

"No, I expected at least 27 out of you. Not seven." Sable looks around and notices that Sam and Ash aren't here. "Okay, where is Sam and Ash?"

"Ash said that she was going to be torturing Dean today." Ebony points out. Sable arches an eyebrow and looks at Dean.

"Guess Cas pulled you out of hell early then." Sable comments with a shrug.

"Wait... who's Cas?" Dean asks.

"Not my place to say, just know you'll meet him later more than likely."

"Okay... Who's Ash?"

"Again, someone you'll meet later, apparently Cas wiped your memories of hell."

"What the hell are you talking about?"


"You're crazy."

"Says the one that sold his soul. You're a fucking dumbass."

"That's my fucking line you fucking bitch."

"Fight me."

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