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"What the fuck were you thinking getting a tattoo young lady?" Crowley snaps as soon as Ash appears in front of him. "First of all, you didn't ask. Secondly, you're too young. Thirdly, you're grounded."

"I-I... I was... was hoping that you... you wouldn't be mad i-if I had gotten it..." Ash mutters quietly, shrinking in on herself, playing with her fingernails. "I-I'm sorry Crowley...and... uhm... h-how long a-am I grounded for...?"

Crowley sighs, knowing he can't stay mad at her forever. "Three days, and I'm sorry for scaring you. I was trying to get my point across darling." He says hugging her.

Ash bursts into tears while hugging him back knowing that he means what he says. This is the first major thing that he's gotten mad at her for.

"Next time ask okay, poppet." Crowley says resting his chin on Ash's head rubbing circles on her back. Ash doesn't say anything, she just nods her head not letting go.

-Meanwhile with Sable and Gabe-

"Sable? What you doing here?" Gabriel asks looking at the young angel, she's shaking. "Come inside it's pouring cats and dogs out here." Sable slowly makes her way inside, before breaking down crying Gabe justs holds her telling her to talk to him.

"W-why d-didn't y-you t-tell m-me w-where y-you d-disappeared to? I thought you were dead Gabey..." Sable says in between sobs.

"I wanted to protect you, you're safer with Samsquatch and Dean-o then you are with me at the moment kiddo." Gabe says kneeling down and wiping away her tears.

"You still could've told me..." Sable sniffles

"Oh Gumdrop..." Gabe says softly, realizing that he hurt Sable by leaving. He pulls her into a hug and wraps his wings around her as well. "I'm so sorry..."

"Promise you won't leave again?" Sable mumbles, her voice is muffled but the archangel still hears her, he doesn't do anything when the hot tears hit his shirt. He just holds her closer to him, he can't promise that. He can't promise anything right now.

"Tell you what, so you won't end up as an emotional wreck again, stay here." Gabe comments moving her hair out of her face... Ash was right something is off but Gabriel isn't sure what it is.

-Meanwhile with Ash-

Day two of being grounded... it's hell... literally.

"Crowley... I'm boooooored." Ash pouts shaking his arm.

"Should've thought about that before you got the tattoo." Crowley says throwing shade. Ash stops what she's doing and just stares at him.

"At this exact moment, I'd rather hang with Cas and Gabe." Ash folds her arms.

"I can arrange that." Crowley says with a smug look. Ash perks up.

"Sweet, I can hang with Sable." Crowley rolls his eyes.

"No, you said Castiel and Gabriel, you said nothing about Sable." He comments, the look of defeat flashes on Ash's face.

"I know, but Sable is most likely hanging out with Gabe anyway."

"Then hang with Cas cause you are still grounded." Ash scowls.

"But he's most likely hanging out with the Winchesters, and Dean tried to kill me." Ash deadpans, the king of hell looks rather smug.

"Well... then stay here."

"I can't, I have contracts to make."

"You're grounded, I'll make them."

"Fuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.." Ash groans throwing her head back.

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