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Now that you know what happened to the other two, let's get back to Raven and Ebony.

Since Sam and Dean didn't want the girls hunting anytime soon, the boys left the girls at Bobby's. When Sam and Dean are reunited with their father he asks them where Raven and Ebony are.

"They're at Bobby's." Dean answers. "He's training them to be hunters- they're still too young to actually be hunters." John throws Dean a skeptical look, but doesn't say anything.

A little later Sam is forced to make a choice- let John die when he shoots the demon with the colt, or let ol' yellow eyes live to see another day. Sam then decides to shoot John in the leg and allows the yellow eyed bastard to live.

Later that night, the three of them were hit by a semi-truck. The semi truck literally smashes the impala like it's a tin can. Sam is the only one that makes it out of the crash relatively unscathed. He calls Bobby asking him to bring Raven and Ebony to the hospital.

"It's better for them to find out about the crash sooner rather than later." Sam says into the phone.

"Balls." Bobby replies. The retired hunter mutters a few curse words under his breath, he then tells Sam that the girls and him will be at the hospital shortly.

"Thank you Bobby." The tallest Winchester then hangs up and shoves his phone back into his pocket.

-Meanwhile at Bobby's-

Bobby explains to the girls that they're going to the hospital, he doesn't say why though, he was going to let Sam do that.

"We're not sick though." Raven points out. Bobby just sighs. Darn kid was trying to sound like she knew everything.

"I know you're not. Listen, Sam is going to explain everything when we get there." He explains.

Bobby drops the girls off outside of the hospital where Sam's waiting for them. Ebony pushes her ebony black hair out of her brown eyes, she then notices Sam's black eye.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Got a bit banged up, nothing too bad." Sam replies. The five year old girls don't look that convinced. Sam licks his suddenly dry lips.

"Where's Dean?"

"That's kind of the reason we're here... you see, Dean got hurt- uh you okay Ebony?"

"That motherfucker needs to quit getting his ass kicked... or I'm going to kick it my damn self." Sam doesn't look amused.

"Excuse me?" He asks arching an eyebrow. A five year old shouldn't even know how to swear like a sailor.

"Dean says stuff like that all the time- why do I get in trouble when I say it?"

"One, you're five. Two, you really shouldn't be repeating what Dean says. Also do you even know what those words mean?"

"No, I'm five." Ebony points out. "I don't know what a lot of words mean." Sam sighs in response.

"Just because you know certain words doesn't mean you can say them- especially if you don't know what they mean." Ebony stays quiet. "Come on, let's go visit Dad and Dean."

"Thought you were going to tell us what happened." Raven says speaking up.

"I was, before the queen of sass decided to show up... anyways- Dad, Dean and I got into a car wreck. Dean was the one that got the worst injuries out of all of us." Sam explains. "He's in a coma."

"I'm gonna kick his fucking ass so fucking hard he'll orbit the fucking sun." Ebony states.

"Again with the swearing, you're going to give Dean a run for his money if you keep doing that." Ebony does her adorable dimpled smile in response. "That isn't a good thing though kiddo."

"Whatever, let's go see dad and Dean now. Mainly Dean."

-Few minutes later-

John smiles at Raven and Ebony as Sam ushers the two girls into his room.

"Hey girls." He says. Raven shyly waves. Ebony looks at Sam.

"Thought we were seeing Dean first." She says.

"Dad's room was closest." Sam points out. John arches an eyebrow but doesn't say anything else on that subject.

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