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When Dean gets back to Bobby's he notices Ash is sitting in the middle of the trap with her sisters sitting next to her, watching Lilo and Stitch on Sam's laptop.

"Where did you four find Sam's laptop?" Dean asks.

"Ash stole it from Sam." Ebony replies.

"He keeps that thing under lock and key- so how did you snag it?"

"He was using it." Ash says. "Now shush."

"He was using it?"

"He wasn't doing anything fun with it. Now will you shut up, so we can finish this?"

-Time skip-

Under the influence of a siren, Dean almost kills Sam. He doesn't though, he realizes that he already has someone that the siren is trying to portray: and that person is Ebony.

The next two hunts are without incident. It's the third hunt that gets interesting. The angel Zachariah sends the boys to this alternative universe, where they don't know each other. Sable can't do anything to help Sam and Dean, because Zachariah threatened to cut out her tongue and render her wings useless if she tried to help.

Sable defies Zachariah's orders, in a very subtle way- she gives Sam visions of him and Dean hunting.

One day Sam is talking to Dean, and Dean accidentally calls Sam, Sammy. "Okay. Did you just call me Sammy?" Sam asks.

"Did I?" Dean questions a little confused.

"I think you did. Yeah. Don't."


After Sam and Dean kill the ghost, Sam confides in Dean that he (Dean) was in his (Sam) dreams. Dean shakes his head. "I'm Dean Smith, okay? Director of Sales and Marketing. I went to Stanford. My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, my sister's name is Jo and my daughter's name is Ebony." Dean states. Unable to help herself, Sable giggles softly- looking forward to telling Ebony that Dean called her his daughter. She momentarily forgets that she's invisible to the boys. Sam turns on his heel and looks around the room.

"Please tell me that you just heard that giggle." Sam states.

"I did... there better not be another ghost here. One was enough for me." Dean answers. Zachariah shows up and he returns Sam and Dean to their actual lives. Dean sees Sable while he's talking to Zachariah. The young angel looks absolutely terrified for some reason. When Zachariah leaves, Dean walks over to his sister. "Sable, are you okay?" He asks. Sable shakes her head. "What's wrong kid?"

"Zachariah has always scared me." She answers. "Also why did you call Ebony your daughter?"

-Time Skip-

"He's coming with me Sable!" Ash yells at the angel.

"You got Dad and Dean, it's my turn to have some of the family!" Sable retorts. "You don't get all of them!"

"You got mom fucker."

"No, she's in purgatory remember? I only have Sam and Dean's mom!" Ash sticks out her tongue at her sister. "Compromise, who ever wins two out of three rounds of rock paper scissors gets Adam's soul."

"Fine." Ash says angrily. The girls play three rounds- Sable ends up winning Adam's soul. "Fucking hell."

"Hey, you agreed to the terms dumbass."

"I know, but I didn't think you'd win."

"It's a game of chance. You shouldn't expect anything!"

"I wasn't!"

"Bull crap."

"Will you two stop fighting please, you're giving me a headache." Crowley says as he shows up next to the girls.

"Yeah, me too." Gabriel adds in as he shows up next to Sable. "What gives anyways?"

"Our half-brother Adam got murdered by a ghoul. And Ash is a greedy bitch." Sable retorts.

"So are you Sable, fuck you." Ash snaps.

"So that allows you guys to start a full out war with each other?" Gabriel asks.

"Uh..." Sable says, scratching her head. "Apparently...?"

"I'm trying to stop the apocalypse Sable, not make it happen faster!" 


Sorry for the long wait, we both got busy and got writer's block, and it might be a while before we actually get the next chapter up. Again, sorry.


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