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Ash decides to check on everyone before heading to New Zealand to the safe house that Gabriel has there. She takes in the view of the sunrise while preparing herself to knock on the door. When she's finally brave enough, she walk up to the door and knocks once before it's being opened by her older-sis and the archangel that raised her.

"Hey, took you long enough." Sable says with a gentle smile, she's actually letting her hair go back to its natural color, so it currently looks silverish. Ash doesn't say anything as she punches her sister in the arm before pulling her into a tight hug. Sable hugs her back just as tight. "I'm so sorry... for everything." Sable mumbles letting a few tears fall.

Ash pulls away a little and looks at Gabe. "Sam's not doing too well Gabe."

"I know, but Sable and I need to lay low for at least a month." Gabe replies.

"Or until the war with Lucifer is over?" The archangel nods. "I'll just hope Sam will last that long."

"If you protect him then he will." Sable says softly. "But no one can know that we are alive right now."

"I'll do my best you guys, I may need Cas and Crowley to help, but I'll try."

"You should get back, they need you." Gabe says. "Don't worry though, we'll keep an eye on things."

"Okay." Ash gives the two of them a hug before she vanishes and pops up just a foot away from a demon trap at Bobby's place. "I feel like crying already."

"You're not the first." Bobby says. "Follow me." Bobby leads Ash to the girl's shared room where there is a blanket fort. "The four of them are in there."

"Thanks Bobby." Ash says softly. Bobby nods before walking away. Ash walks over to the fort and enters without asking. "How's everyone doing?"

"They took a hard hit. Raven and Sam haven't said a word since it happened. Ebony is also hurting but not to the point of not talking." Dean says with a sigh. "Sam's to the point that he hasn't gotten out of bed today."

"Shut up Dean." Sam says quietly, walking out of his room. It's clear that he has been crying.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, bitch." Dean jokes. Sam doesn't respond, he doesn't even respond with 'jerk'.

"So everyone but you is doing badly then?" Ash asks looking at Dean.

"Sable and I weren't exactly close, I mean yeah I'm sad that she's gone but in all honesty I feel like how I felt when Adam died." Dean says with a shrug.

"What about Gabriel?" Again Dean shrugs.

"Personally, since he killed me over 200 times, I could care less." Dean says just as Sam walks back into the blanket fort.

"Jerk. Gabe risked everything to protect us." Sam angrily snaps.

"Sam, don't get mad, Gabe wouldn't want that." Ash says.

"What else do you want me to do Ash?" Sam coldly asks. He's less friendly than he was yesterday.

"I don't know Sam, but I know Gabe wouldn't want you to kill your brother because you're fuckin pissy he's gone." A tear rolls down Sam's face at the end of the sentence, and he just falls to the floor, sobbing his eyes out. "Fuck... Sam... I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to make you upset."

"It wasn't you Ash." Sam manages to say. "Gabe shouldn't be dead... if I had said yes to the devil he would still be alive!!"

"But he wouldn't have you, and that's what he wants most."


"He would've been mad at you if you had said yes Sam. I'm not trying to make you angry, I'm just trying to make you see that he does care for you." Sam looks pissed, Dean holds him back.

"Dammit Sam, calm down, Ash has a point." Dean says calmly trying to defuse the situation. Sam clenches his jaw and makes a fist. "Sam go take a walk NOW!" Sam groans as he stands back up and walk out of the blanket fort. "You good Ash?"

"Yeah, but that's the first time I've seen him like that."

"I have... the night he went to Stanford. He took Raven with him that time." Dean says with a sigh.

"What happened?"

"He got into an argument with dad about wanting to leave hunting." Dean sighs again shaking his head.

"I remember Raven telling me about this. How she said she hated leaving Ebony behind with you and dad." Dean dryly chuckles.

"No Dad left on a hunt that next day. So it was just me and Ebony for two weeks. Ebony was crying for two hours afterwards. Raven was her best friend at the time, and she had left with Sam."

"It was worse on mine and Sable's end cause we didn't know who to really hang out with. Jess was the only one who "knew" about us at the time. Bobby too, but you guys didn't leave them with him often."

"I dropped Ebony off quite often, and according to her, Sable came and visited her more often than you did for some reason... yet these days she's closer to you."

"We became closer after Sam got with Jess cause she didn't really like me, so I had to hang out with her, which actually wasn't all that bad."

"Guess that explains why Raven is taking Sable's death so hard."

"How do you think I feel Dean?" Ash questions glancing at the floor. "She helped Crowley raise me cause sometimes he was too busy to do so himself." Dean grimaces with a soft hiss.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He says softly.

"You're good Dean. Out of the four of you, you're the only one that knows that."

"Other than you and Sable of course."

"And Crowley, Cas and Gabe." Dean pulls her into a hug, a gesture he hasn't done for Ash up til now.

"You know, I think this is the first time we both just sat and talked."

"It is kiddo." Dean replies. "You don't typically talk to me or to Sam."

"This is the first time I've been able to." The eldest Winchester arches an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"You guys are almost always doing a hunt or completely ignoring me." Ash says with a shrug. "You also have tried to kill me a couple times so... yeah."

"Yeah sorry about that." Dean apologizes scratching the back of his neck as Sam walks back inside and crashes on the couch.

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