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About a year or so later Bobby has to help Sam and Dean, and he decides to get ahold of Ellen. Ellen agrees to look after Ebony and Raven, much to his relief.

"Thanks for looking after them Ellen." Bobby says.

"Anytime, now go help the boys." Ellen says shooing Bobby away.

There's no incident for a few hours... until Ash shows up. Little did she know that she showed up in the wrong place- a demon trap.

"Um, a little help?" She asks when Ebony and Raven walk over to the trap.

"Whatcha doing under the trap Ash?" Raven asks looking up at the ceiling.

"I just felt like standing here, no biggie."

"You're stuck under the fucking trap aren't ya?" Ebony asks.

"No... maybe... yes." Ebony laughs.

"Get rekt loser." Ash pouts.

"Ebony, you're mean."

"No, it just sucks to be you."

"Need help Ash?" Sable asks showing up behind Ebony and Raven.

"God fucking dammit Sable!" Ebony exclaims.

"What did I do besides showing up?" Sable asks sassing her sister.

"Pissed on the graves of anyone who believed angels were sweet." Ebony deadpans. Just then Ellen walks into the room.

"Why is there suddenly four of you, and why is one of you standing in the trap?" She asks.

"Please don't tell the boys or Bobby." Sable pleads. "They don't think Ash and I exist."

"It's true, please don't tell them." Ash says as she gives her puppy dog face.

"What do you mean that they don't think you exist?" Ellen asks as she temporarily breaks the trap allowing Ash out.

"They think Ash and Sable are our imaginary friends. When in reality the four of us are sisters- quadruplets in fact." Raven explains.

"Why haven't I met those two before?"

"Because that was part of the deal."

"What deal?"

"If our mom had more than two kids, a demon and an angel got their pick as payment."

"Payment? Raven, honey what are you talking about?"

"Mommy made a deal before the four of us were born." Sable says playing with her bleached hair.

"How do you know that?"

"All of us know about the deal."

-Time skip-Hell-

"Why couldn't I have done Dean's deal." Ash pouts as she follows Crowley around.

"Because you were busy." Crowley replies.

"But he's my brother."

"Would you really kiss your own brother on the lips?"

"I wouldn't have cared... that much."


"He doesn't know that I exist Crowley, I wouldn't have cared."

"How about when he gets here, your job is torturing him."


"If you don't annoy me too much- or your father."


"I mean it."

"Fine." Ash pouts as she crosses her arms. "I'm still gonna follow you around though."

"No- how about you go bother the souls. I have a meeting."

"Okay..." Crowley disappears, and Ash goes to where the souls are.

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