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While Raven and Ebony are visiting Dean at the hospital, the other two discuss what they can do to help their brother- without getting caught. When Ash catches wind of John Winchester making a deal, she literally storms to the throne room and angrily plops down in Crowley's throne. Juliet walks over to Ash, holding her hell-hound pup by the scruff of it's neck. Crowley's hound then drops the hell-hound puppy in Ash's lap before going to lie down.

A little later, Crowley walks into the throne room. "There you are Darling." He says. Ash looks up from playing with her hound. "Is something wrong?"

"Dad made a deal with a demon, and it wasn't me." Ash pouts. Crowley sighs before responding.

"You're a child though Princess. Merely 50 years old, you need to have more experience before you start doing deals."


"No buts. You see all the crossroads demons have thousands of years of making deals behind them. You're still new at it." Once again, Ash pouts. "Tell you what- if one of your other family members make a deal when you're at least 100 years old- you can do that deal."

-Meanwhile with Sable-

Sable happens to be in the room (invisibly) when Dean wakes up, everything healed and all that jazz. Sable notices that Ebony looks like Christmas came early. Raven on the other hand looks like she's about to pass out.

"Sable? What are you doing?" Cas asks showing up behind the young angel, startling her.

"I just wanted to help." She replies. Her sable colored wings droop as her shoulders slump.

"Yeah well, I didn't need the heart attack." Gabe states showing up next to Cas.


"Come on let's get out of here."

"Gabe, can I stay just to see what happens?" Sable asks with her pleading angelic blue eyes.

"No. You're grounded... Cas can you take trouble here back to heaven?"

"I'm not trouble! You're trouble Gabe!" Sable retorts. Cas grabs Sable by the wing and takes her back to heaven. The five year old angel heads to her room and flops on her bed. She curls up in a ball and wraps her wings around her like a cocoon.

-Meanwhile with Ebony and Raven.-

"Can't we come with you two?" Raven asks. Sam and Dean were going on another hunt, leaving the girls behind again.

"Not this time, Antlers." Dean replies.


"No buts- besides I thought you hated clowns." Sam grimaces when Dean says clowns.

"I like clowns, Sammy doesn't though." Sam doesn't bother to correct Raven, he just ruffles her hair- messing it up.

"Whoa wait a second- you don't let me call you Sammy... what makes the girls so special?" Dean asks looking at his brother.

"It's cute when they say it... with you, it's just annoying." Sam replies.



"Clods!" Raven says with an adorable grin.

"Fuckheads." Ebony adds in also grinning.

"Dean!" Sam exclaims.

"What? It's not entirely my fault she swears like a drunken sailor." Dean points out. "Bobby swears just as much as I do." Sam throws his brother a bitch face, before walking away. 

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