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Ebony suggests that the next segment of Gabriel's colossal prank, is an advertisement... for a genital herpes medication- Herpexia.

"Seriously?" Sam questions.

"Hey, you're the one who said play our roles." Dean points out. Sam momentarily has a look of defeat on his face.

"Yeah. Right." Sam mumbles as Dean goes back to the game of basketball. "I've got genital herpes."

"Good choice Ebony." Sable whispers in her sister's ear. "Sam's not going hear the end of that one for at least a month."

Gabe then sends all four girls to the hotel room, since they were in that scene when he started this.

"You guys have any idea how to stop this?" Dean asks the girls.

"The TV shows or the impending doom about Michael and Lucifer?" Sable asks in a bored voice.

"The shows, Sable."

"You could ask nicely."

"Ask nicely! The Trickster won't let us go until we learn to play our roles."

"You two are idiots." Just then Cas walks through the door.

"I don't have much time." Cas says.

"What happened?" Sam asks as Sable hides her hand behind her back ready to snap at any moment. She really doesn't want Cas to interfere with her and Gabriel's fun.

"Listen to me. Something is not right. This thing is much more powerful than it should be." Cas says sounding desperate. Dean asks about the Trickster. "If it is a trickster." Cas comments looking directly at Sable just before Gabriel shows up throwing the trench coat cladded angel against the wall.

Sable then snaps her fingers and puts duct tape over Cas' mouth.

"Hiya Castiel." Gabriel says moments before Sable snaps her fingers again making Cas disappear.

Ash gives Sable the look of approval because she saw what Sable did. Sable flashes her sister a small grin before Gabe spots Sable, he throws her a look apparently she should've left when she banished Cas.

"I think I'm gonna go look for Cas." Sable says before disappearing.

"Welp, I gotta go make a deal, later losers." Ash says before disappearing as well.

"Wait, take- Fuckers." Ebony says. Gabriel holds back a laugh, before snapping his fingers sending the two girls away.

"Hey!" Dean says angrily. "Where the fuck did you send them?"

"Relax, they're fine. I just sent them to Hot Topic." Gabriel comments. Dean throws the archangel a death glare. "I could've sent them to a horror film. Be grateful I didn't."

"He has a point Dean." Sam says with a sigh after a few minutes. "But they better not have money or they'll buy the whole store."

"Oopsie.... I just gave them a looooot of money."

"Son of a bitch!"

-Time Skip-

After the Trickster snaps his fingers, Sam and Dean get put in a CSI murder mystery. Which was Raven's idea. Sam notices that one of the officers has a lollipop in his mouth and deems them the trickster. Dean stabs the supposed trickster only to find out that it was the wrong one. Sam ends up making the killing blow. So the brothers think.

The next day, Dean wakes up only to find out his brother is nowhere to be found. He calls his brother up only to get Sam's voicemail. "Sam. It's me. Where the hell did you go?" Dean asks leaving a message as he gets into the car.

"Dean..." Sam says with his voice sounding like a robot.

"Sam? Where are you?"

"I don't know." Dean notices a red light on the dashboard. It flashes in time with Sam's words. "Ah crap. I don't think we killed the Trickster."

Dean parks outside of a warehouse. He then gets out of the car and starts rummaging in the trunk. Sam mentions that he feels kind of uncomfortable. Dean grabs the thing he is looking for and slams the trunk. "Ow." Sam comments. Dean yells for the trickster to show himself. Two seconds later Gabriel shows up and is clearly checking out Sam's hubcaps.

Dean tells Gabriel that Sam needs to be human before any sort of deal is made. Gabriel rolls his eyes and snaps his fingers, making Sam human again. Two seconds later Sam lights something on fire, just as Sable shows up next to Gabriel.

"I hate you two." Sable says with an exasperated sigh. "The list of reasons why I hate Dean keeps growing."

"That's your problem Sable, not mine." Dean says.

"I begged Cas to pull your sorry ass out of hell, I can send you back and make sure that Ash tortures the ever living shit out of you." Sable deadpans. Gabriel looks at her either surprised or proud (likely both).

"Where'd I screw up?" Gabriel asks.

"You didn't. Nobody gets the jump on Cas like you did." Sam points out.

"Hey I helped." Sable pouts.

"Sable stay out of this you're grounded." Dean says. Sable flips him off.

"You have no power over me idiot. Only chuckle-head here and Cas can do that." Gabriel looks like he regrets his life. Dean demands that the two troublemaking angels bring Cas back. "Why so you can you have your boyfriend back?" Sable teases.

"Funny, but that's rude." Gabe points out snapping his fingers bringing Cas back. Cas throws Sable one hell of a glare. She promptly throws the archangel under the bus saying it was his idea. Sam, Dean and Cas decide to leave, Dean does pull the fire alarm to put the fire out.

"Don't say I never did anything for you." Dean says. 

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