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"I saw Gabriel's dick." Was the first thing that Ash says when she gets back to everyone in the States.

"Uhm.... what the fuck?" Sable asks looking mildly horrified.

Ebony looks extremely lost. "W-what... why... what?"

"Did you ask him to put clothes back on?" Raven asks sounding bored.

"I showed up, after he got out of the shower so I scared him and he dropped his towel. I quickly turned around and told him to cover "it" up."

"Oh god really?" Sam says with a grossed out face.

"You... are waaaaay too young to have seen that." Dean says horrified.

-Time skip-

"Since when have you worn... color and a tattoo?" Dean asks. "You're ten you shouldn't legally have a tattoo for another eight years."

"One, I sometimes wear color. And two, I can make myself appear older than I actually am, so I got a tattoo." Ash says.

Sable shows up in an outfit similar to what Ash normally wears. "Who are you and what happened to Ash?" Sable questions throwing her bleached blonde hair over her shoulder.

"I could ask you the same thing Sable."

"Obviously I just got back from..." Sable starts to say.

"Wha- did you two swap brains or something?" Ebony questions walking into the room and pointing between her two sisters.

"No, I just got back from a funeral that I had to infiltrate to get information for the hunt Bobby is working." Sable retorts. Just then Raven and Sam walk in.

"Well... this is new." Raven says not even phased by the whole thing. Sam doesn't say a thing. Crowley shows up behind Ash and Dean, he doesn't look amused... he looks pissed.

"Ash, darling..." He says in a deadly calm voice. Sable shivers at the demon's voice and walks over to her sister.

"Ash, Crowley is here... and he does not look happy... in fact he looks pissed." The young angel says.

Ash doesn't say anything, but she looks scared for her life as she disappears to see what the demon who raised her wants.

"Who's Crowley?" Dean asks.

"You'll more than likely meet him later." Sable says with a heavy sigh.

"When is later?" Sam asks.

"It all depends on him... it could be in an hour or it could be in three years."

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