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There's a full moon out when Ash decides to go sit on the hood of the Impala with her knees to her chest. It's been a week since the first fight with Sam, and he's still pretty pissed at her for it. Sam walks out and doesn't say a word to Ash, he just opens up the trunk of the car.

"Sam, please... don't do anything right now please..." Ash says sadly. Sam slams the trunk shut and he walks over to Ash scowling.

"Can't you bring them back?" Sam rudely snaps.

"I'm not strong enough to do that Sam, I'm sorry."

"Not strong enough or just won't?"

"Not strong enough. If I were, I would've brought them back a week ago." Ash comments sounding sad.

"Do you even care about them?" Sam snaps, his eyes that are typically full of kindness is radiating hatred. Ash snaps her head up at this.

"Of fuckin course I do Sam, you're not the only one who is devastated that they're gone!"

"Bull fucking shit. You're just a heartless demon that doesn't give a rat's ass." Sam snaps practically pulling out Ruby's knife out of the folds of his jacket.

"If you actually want to use that, go for it. Just imagine what Raven and Ebony would say first though."

"I DON'T CARE OKAY!" Sam shouts at maximum volume. Letting everyone know something is wrong, Dean walks outside wondering what is going on.

"Of course you don't, you stopped caring when Gabe died! You think I can easily just bring them both back because you think I'm the only one who can, but guess what, I'm not the one who pulled Dean's ass outta hell. Cas did that because Sable was begging him to! She couldn't bare the thought of her family being separated the way it was!" Tears slide down Ash's cheeks. "She was there when making sure you were still human when you had that demon blood in you! It's because of Sable that all of us are alive after that fuckin fight with the devil!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU LITTLE PRICK!" Sam bellows. Dean comes running hoping to break up the fight, but Cas shows up and holds Dean back.

"Don't... this is between them." Cas says gravely.

"Sable's the only reason I'm the way I am Sam! Along with Castiel and Gabriel! The three of them were there when Crowley wasn't! Sable's also part of the reason Ebony and Raven had a semi-normal childhood! Even after you had ran off to Stanford with Raven, leaving her to pick Ebony up off of the fuckin ground!! SHE'S THE FUCKIN REASON DEAN ISN'T STILL IN HELL!!!!!" Ash shouts standing up still on the hood of the Impala.



"That's it, I'm separating them." Dean says breaking Cas' hold and running over to them and getting between the demon blade and Ash. Dean gets there just in time. Sam was just about to stab Ash, instead the knife cuts Dean's bicep.

"GOD DAMMIT SAM!" Dean shouts holding his now bleeding arm. Ash collapses against Dean's back, shocked cause she didn't think Sam would actually try to kill her, and that Dean took a knife for her.

Dean's yelling snaps some sense back into Sam, he ends up dropping the demon blade, shocked about what just happened. Dean turns around and pulls Ash into a one armed hug. "You okay kiddo?" He asks worriedly.

"S-Sam... he-he tried... he tried to..." Ash sounds and looks scared.

"Shh, shh... it's okay. I'm not going to let him hurt you, I promise." Dean says into Ash's hair. Ash pulls away quickly and looks at Dean's arm.

"Dean... your arm..."

"I know. Right now you're my main concern, I can patch that up later." Dean answers.

"No, Dean... get your arm patched up... please..."

"I'm not leaving until Sam calms down." As Dean says that, the girls and Bobby walk out.

"We're already on it. Girls, you take care of Dean, I'll deal with Sam." Both girls nod and place the first aid kit next to Ash before they start working on Dean's arm. Dean wipes his hand on his pants before he pulls Ash into an actual hug. He eventually pulls Ebony and Raven into the hug as well, after they are done patching up his arm.

Bobby starts lecturing Sam about attempting to kill Ash. "C'mon you three, let's get you out of the range of fire, especially you Ash." Dean says with a gentle smile. Ash just nods before Dean picks the three of them up with just a little bit of difficulty and putting them in the backseat.

"Hey Ash, do me a favor." Dean says getting into the car after picking up the blade and putting it away. "Next time you're in trouble, yell for help, don't stand on my car."


"I'm not mad at you, if anything I'm mad at Sam. What has gotten into him that he decided it would be a good idea to try and kill you?" Dean replies with a heavy sigh.

"He-he wants me to bring Gabe and Sable back...b-but I can't... and I've told him this..." Dean only nods in response. He starts up the car and drives off, yelling out the window that they'd be back.

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