Wearing Each Other's Clothes

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(I forgot I don't own the art >w< sorry! Lol... thank you. I'm not good at words...) 

"Hey, Juggie?" Archie asked half hanging off his bed half on it.

"Hmm..." Jughead sounded not bothering to look up from his computer.

"Well Halloween is coming up, and I though we could go as each other." Archie said without hesitation.

"What like a couples costume except we look slightly normal?" Jughead asked. He never really liked the spotlight, and an outfit like that would surly stick out in his mind. Not that others would care.

"Yeah? Is that a bad idea... cause we can just stay home and eat junk food instead of going to the party!" Archie started rambling trying to make his question to not seem as needy. 

"No that's totally fine I would love to smell like Archie Andrews for a night." Jughead said shutting his laptop just in time to see the red head blush.

~time skip to Halloween~

Archie was waiting in his room wearing a pair of Jughead's black skinny jeans, navy blue shirt, maroon cardigan, dark grey sneakers, and his signature crown beanie. He couldn't wait to see his boyfriend in his clothes. Jug was changing in the bathroom, and then they were going to leave for Veronica's party. 

It was a casual costume party. Like pick a character find the clothes around your house to match and leave for the party. A very simple way for the holiday to be spent. Everyone appreciated not going over board for the best costume. 

Lost in thought Archie almost didn't hear his bedroom door open to reveal his best friend and admirer standing there wearing his clothes.  His dark wash jeans, grey shirt, black shoes, and blue and yellow lettermans jacket. He was a sight to behold. 

"Arch?" He asked.

"Yeah?" Archie questioned.

"Are we going to get going?" Jughead said pointing to the clock on his desk.

"Yeah... of course." Archie smiled not being able to take his eyes off Jughead. He looked so perfect.

As they walked they slowly got closer to each other. Their arms touched, and their hands intertwined. They kept walking seeing all the children dressed up in costumes. It was easy to tell what they were. A princess, a pirate, even a hotdog? Well in a world where you can be anything...

They approached Veronica's apartment building hearing the loud music. Luckily everyone who lived here is either out of town or with their children trick or treating.  They made their way to the top floor of the building. 

The open door at they end of the hallway pulled them inside. The music at an ear splitting level. Nobody seemed to care most likely drunk or deaf by now. All that mattered was finding Betty and Veronica. They were probably together making out or talking to guests. Since they both planned the party. 

Everybody was wearing generic outfits like a dj, cat, mouse. Surprisingly none were too sluty. That was always a good sign. Veronica soon came into view Betty in tow. 

"Hey guys love the outfits!" Veronica yelled over the blaring music.

"Thanks love yours too!" Archie screamed seeing they had the same idea as us. Betty wearing a nice black dress and heels. Veronica wearing pastel green pants, a light pink sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, and pink slip on shoes. 

They laughed and talked for awhile. After they left to talk to more people. Archie and Jughead left and went home to their junk food and movies. At around one in the morning Archie looked down to see Jughead's head in his lap and snoring softly, and still wearing his jacket.

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