Another Battle

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(So this has some triggers that I want to warn you about. First is drugs. Second self hatred. Lastly depression. I just wanted you to know just in case. Also, Jughead has a whole family in this. The first part is based off the song Anybody Have a Map, from Dear Evan Hansen. Archie is Evan, and Jughead is Connor. Treebros for life!)

Dear Archie Andrews,

Today's going to be a great day. I know it. Well hopefully it will be. I hope I'll make some friends. Something that I've never had the pleasure to have. I know my dad is trying as hard as he can, but he just needs to focus on something other than me. I love him. Then there's my crush since third grade. Jughead Jones.

"Have you been writing those letters to yourself?" Fred asked.

"I started one." Archie replied.

"Those will help you." He told him.

Well I guess life can be worse.

"It's your senior year, Jughead! Your not missing the first day!" His mom yelled at him.

"I already said I'd go tomorrow." Jughead said simply.

"He doesn't listen does he? Look at him he's probably high." FP said.

"He's definitely high." Jellybean chimed in.

"I don't want you going to school high, Jug!" Mrs. Jones yelled.

"Perfect! Then I won't go, thanks mom!" He said happily going  up the stairs again.

Jughead quickly got ready. Wanting to go to school not to learn, but to see his crush. Archie Andrews. The lovely red head that sat next to him in chemistry last year.

He glided down the stairs. Rushing out the door as fast as he could possibly go. He ran down the street. School started in fifteen minutes, but Archie always got there ten minutes early. While he just sat on the school steps. 

In the distance he could see a boy with flaming red locks, and a pure white cast. He was lovely to look at. Just naturally appealing. Nothing compared to his perfect complexion. The freckles danced across his his cheeks and nose.

Jughead always thought he never had a chance with the boy steadily walking towards the school doors. That was until something happened. A group of boys made their way toward the red haired boy. Nothing was like that moment of pure shock and anger.

He rose to his feet and stomped over to the boys harassing his crush. He easily made his way over. Not before they could lay their hands on the fragile boy. Pushing him to the ground, using him as a punching bag, and kicking him. 

"Get the hell away from him." Jughead yelled. One with white hair and dark brown eyes ran off. Probably when he realized who was yelling at them.

"Why should we?" One yelled back. The other two running away after their "leader" made the grave mistake of asking.

"Why? Before you get a broken nose!" Jughead yelled a bit louder.

The boy slowly back away from Archie. Jughead kneeled down next to him. He had a bloody nose and a bruise on his cheek bone. Other than that he looked ok. He offered his hand so Archie could actually stand.

"Are you ok, man?" Jughead asked.

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine. Th-tha-thank you. For hel-helping me." Archie managed to stutter out.

"No problem. He so, I know we have never really talked, but I was wondering if you would maybe want to... I don't know, hang out sometime?" Jughead cringed at his wording of the question. 

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