Doing Something Ridiculous

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(Only three more days! Huh I never thought I would get this far! Well thanks for sticking around! You're the best, and I applaud you for sticking around this long!)

Archie felt the sweat drip from his forehead. That wasn't the only water running down his face. The other thing was tears. It was hot in the small room in the hotel. All he could think about was finally getting home after a game far from home. 

He hasn't been this far from his family in a long time. Not to mention his boyfriend. He called him once or twice a day. It was reassuring to know that he cared so much.  

He laid in bed patiently waiting for his roommate to come back, he didn't want to turn off the light until someone came back. Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, he took it out to answer the call.

Surprisingly it was his dad. Easily starting a conversation about how his football games went. He just kept talking before a loud scream could be heard. His dad hung up on him leaving Archie confused and scared.

Just minutes later a knock from the door across the room. Getting up and peeking through the peephole.

Reggie came in with a loud sigh, and lipstick smeared across his lips. The red clashed with the his soft eyes. He walked in in an almost straight line. This meant he probably wasn't drunk. That was a good sign.

They both jumped on their beds, and laid there for a good minute. That was before Reggie went to get his pajamas on. Archie followed and grabbed his sweatpants. That was easy enough. He slid into his light grey (or gray) sweats. Realizing how cold it actually was in this room he took his sweatshirt and out it on.

Reggie walked out of the bathroom in blue flannel bottoms and a Rolling Stones shirt. They climbed into bed and fell asleep. 

A loud ring filled the air at three in the morning. Archie reached for his phone to answer the incoming call. It was his dad.

"Hey dad!"

"Archie, so, umm how fast can you get home?" No greeting no nothing? Thanks dad.

"Probably tomorrow? Why?" 

"Well Jughead broke his foot, and all he asked for, for the past three hours was to see you!" 

Archie looked around. Knowing he didn't have a car and there was no way to get home to see the love of his life. Then a groan was heard across from him. He looked up from the ground to see Reggie sit up in bed.

"Archie? I can take you. I mean if you need to." Reggie offered.

"Would you? That'd be great!" Archie said excitedly. "Dad I'll be there in a few hours!" 

"Ok see you then!"

He hung up the phone. Reggie was getting in the shower. Archie was rushing around the room getting his stuff together. 

~~~one long ass car ride later~~~

Archie ran out of the car into the hospital. Reggie drove away from the entrance to find a parking space. Archie ran to the front desk. Asking where Jughead Jones was. Running up a few flights of stairs he reached B122. 

He walked in the room to find a sleeping Jughead and Fred Andrews. Walking over to the hospital bed he saw his foot was wrapped in a cast. He felt bad not even knowing what happened.

Fred's eyes fluttered open. Looking into his sons.

"Hey, Arch." He started.

"Hello, dad." Easing into a conversation was best.

"You probably want to know what happened?" Or you could get right to the point. Which ever works.

"Yeah kind of." 

"Well he fell in pot a ditch, and the he got up and proceeded to fall down a flight of stairs at our house." Fred laughed.

"That's ridiculous!" Archie laughed along. Then a third laugh could be heard. Jughead giggled in the background.

"Yeah that was bad." He said in between laughs.

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