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Ok so I just realized I hit 5 thousand reads! That's outrageous. Thank you guys so much and I love you all! So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, and anything else you celebrate! This is a mistletoe fan fiction so be prepared!

Achie felt the pit in his stomach grow with every second that ticked by. It was his idea to invite Jughead over for dinner on Christmas. Jughead would be arriving at 6 which was in exactly 23 minutes, and 37 seconds. 

This wouldn't be a problem for anyone else. This was helping a friend in need. He didn't have anyone to spend Christmas with except his deadbeat dad. So this was just the right thing to do... right? Wrong! Of course it was the right thing to do, but he invited his crush over.

Not to mention the way he asked was less than satisfactory...

"Hey, Juggie?" Ariche tapped his best friend on the shoulder.

"Yeah, Arch." He replied looking up from his book.

"Well me and my dad are going to have a Christmas Dinner on Christmas..." Archie's face flushed pink after he said that. " and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over?"

"Well I think..." before Jughead even got a chance to respond Archie started babbling again.

"I guess if you don't celebrate Christmas than it will be just a nice dinner, but then you might get..." non-stop (man the man is non-stop...MISS ME( ha get then) for at least three minutes.

"I think I will be attending, and celebrating Christmas that day, so there is nothing to worry about." Jughead said and went right back to reading his book. 

Archie just sat there and somehow his face got even more red.

So here Archie was waiting patiently for his best friend to arrive, and thinking about if he should go for it and put up a mistletoe. 

Pacing the floor putting the plant back in the bag, and taking it out again and again at least fifty times. Then he sat on the floor and pondered all the possible outcomes of doing this. Most of them weren't good.

In the end Mr. Andrews put up the mistletoe. Hanging it right over the staircase. This was a smart man and somehow Archie let him. If the choice was Archie's he probably would have left it in the bag it came in.

Shortly after hanging the mistletoe and setting the table Jughead arrived with two boxes. Each wrapped it paper. One in silver and the other in a black matte, with a tag indicating who's it was. Quickly Archie was there to take his coat and set the presents under the tree. 

The table was anything but quite with Jughead there, always giving a sarcastic comment for everything. The dinner was huge and the dessert was rich and delicious. After a little more small talk they cleared away the dishes. 

Mr. Andrews told the boys to run upstairs and get the extra gifts for tonight from his closet. Archie forgetting about the mistletoe stepped right under it with Jughead. 

It was like a thing right from a story. Jughead grabbed Archie's wrist and looked up. Following his gaze Archie saw the white plant with bright green leaves above their heads. Then they looked into each others eyes. 

Archie leaned forward and Jughead came closer. Their lips touched and tiny sparks flew. Everything was perfect. 

Holding Jughead close was the one thing he had wanted to do since the the eighth grade. It finally happened. Jughead pressed his face into Archie's chest and smiled. Nothing could ruin this sweet memory. Nothing at all.

And to all a good night... thank you for reading and hopefully you all enjoy your holiday season.

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