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(Wow 3 weeks already... that's scary that I just stared this on a whim and I have 472 reads! That's crazy! All of this is because of the people who come back to read, and all the new people who think my writing doesn't suck too much;) thank you so much!)

There was a bake sale. That was the first mistake. Taking the flyer home to his dad. Second mistake, leaving it on the counter. Last mistake, agreeing to bake 60 cupcakes in two days.

Any normal person would have politely declined, and said they have too much homework. Maybe that they have to go to football practice. Hell even say they had a date. However Archie didn't pay attention to a word his dad was saying, and nodded his head at everything.

Which somehow got him 43 dollars richer and two days poorer. This would have been a problem if it hadn't been for Jughead who had agreed to help him bake the cupcakes. That was sweet of him. 

They ran to the store and bought at least 5 cake mixes, 7 jars of frosting, and a pack of energy drinks cause lord knows they were going to need them. Rushing home, they sprinted in the kitchen. They each made a mix.

 Mixing the eggs, water, and oil into the dry mix. When they each made two they both looked at the last box. Reaching for it at the same time. Archie's hand landed on Jug's leaving the black clad boy a blushing mess. 

Archie quickly took his hand away as fast as he put it there. He walked off to put the batter in the cupcake tins. Sliding a wrapper in each before filling it with the wet batter. Once they were don't he put three of them in the oven and waited for them to be done. 

Jughead felt a presence behind him. He automatically knew it was Archie and spun around. Archie looked at him, and now it was his turn to be a blushing mess. Archie turned away as soon as Jughead's eyes met his own. 

The timer went off, and Jug took the cakes out of the oven. He set them on the microwave. He put the other two in for the same amount of time. Shutting it he looked over at Archie who was checking his phone. Texting someone. Probably Veronica he knew she was madly in love with Arch. He always thought Archie would be his.

Archie was texting Kevin. Trying to get information on how to ask out Jughead. He always wanted to, and he thought now would be the perfect time. Now that they were alone, and would have a lot of time. Since they had to clean this mess up after they were done.

The timer went off once again, and Jug was already taking them out of the oven. He scooped some frosting into a ziplock bag, closing it tightly. He pushed all the frosting to one side of the bag. He sniped the tip of the bag off so it would be easier to frost the little cakes. 

Once he had gone through 4 jars of frosting he threw himself on the couch next to Archie. Still waiting for the other two trays to cool down. Otherwise the frosting would melt and they would have to make more. That would be hell.

He snuggled into his best friend. His back ached from standing in the same position. Sweat was everywhere that's to that blasted oven that was at 375 degrees. It was alomost like asking to be melted alive.

Almost instantly a timer went off telling him to go frost more cupcakes. Archie offered to do it, but Jughead knew he was stressed out. So he didn't want to add to that by making him do the ruthless task of putting sugar on sugar.

He came back with a cupcake in his hands for Archie. Little black and red sprinkles decorated the top. It was pretty cute. He gave the nicest one to his crush of course. He offered it to the red head. 

Archie saw the cupcake in his hand, and then the icing on his nose. Had to decide if he wanted to make his move now. Before he could talk himself out of it he licked the sweet sugary treat off the boys nose, and swiftly took the cupcake from his hands.

Jughead wasn't sure what to do. He just stood there in awe. That Archie Andrews could possibly like him. All he had to do was ask. Maybe he ask him to go on date. Maybe just maybe Archie likes him back.

"Umm, Jug? Would you go on a date with me?" 

Jarchie 30 day writing promptWhere stories live. Discover now