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Jughead was standing beside Archie. Archie had forced him to go shopping for new clothes with him. Jughead hated shopping. Usually just wearing the same clothes each week. It was probably good to be getting some new clothes since some of his sweaters were getting holes and pill-bally  so it was probably for the best.

They walked into the nearest dead, goth, & beyond (ha get Everything was dark and lovely. They walked over to the clearance section, and a guy named Lucien walked up to Archie. They were chatting while Jug picked out some nice hoodies, jackets, and jeans. All dark of course.

They walked out a few bags in hand. They went to another store. Archie walked in and went to the aisle with the bright colored shirts and light jeans. The bold colors hurt Jughead's eyes. He walked through the store picking his favorite things. 

Next was the trip to the food court. Easily picking a pizza place. The greasy cheese and sauce covered dough came out. They ate in almost complete silence only with the chatter of other conversations filling the room. 

When they were done they walked over to the shoe store. Jughead found a pair of black converse and dark grey vans. Archie got baby blue converse and caremel Sperry's. 

Next they decided to have a little fun. They each picked out a dress. Jughead's was maroon with a black ribbon around the waist and in almost reached the floor. Archie a vibrant green with dark green straps and went to his knee. They stepped out of the dressing rooms and laughed at each other. The ravened haired twirled. They both stood there for a moment more before going to change.

They walked out and looked around the store for anything. They decided that nothing caught their eye so they left. They wander around all day having fun and buying more things. They walked and walked. 

They went home and layed down for approximately 2 seconds before Archie stood up and said the one thing Jughead didn't want to hear.

"Lets have a fashion show." 

That was it Jughead stood up and just nodded his head. Archie took his bags to the bathroom. After a minute he came back in strutting around. This went on with them switching every outfit. This was the most fun day Jughead's had in a long time. Even though he ended up wearing Archie's jacket on the first day of school. Which the red head was not complaining about at all.

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