Doing Something Hot

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Jughead felt lustful lips press against his own. It might have been a spur of the moment decision, but his mouth started moving in sync with Archie's.

The soft light pink lips that Archie had crashed onto his chapped and flaming red ones. His eyes drifteds shut. He saw little orange flames dance around his vision. 

Jughead hit the wall behind him with a force. The force of Archie pressing his hands above his head, and wandering under his shirt. Not that he would mind. After all this wasn't his first rodeo with the red head.

Archie picked him up. Jughead swiftly threw his legs around Archie's waist. Never breaking away from each other. Well maybe once or twice to breathe, but other than that they could always feel the others touch.

Archie set him on the counter. The grey (or gray) hoodie that Jughead decided to wear today was thrown to the floor in a hast to be shirtless. They connected their lips again. Then parting to get Archie's short off. 

Reconnecting always with more passion than the last time. The winks or pecks on the cheek were nothing compared to this moment. You could feel the love in the air. You could see the dusty pink spread across their cheek bones. 

Jughead was swept off the counter-top, and carried up the stairs into Archie's bedroom. Archie laid him down. He kicked his legs over his hips. Pinning Jughead to the bed. Hands locked around wrists and feet pressed into ankle.

Before they could start the kiss they stopped only seconds before. Jughead used all his strength and switched positions. He was straddling Archie's waist. The kissing started again. Jughead could feel Archie's smirk on his lips. 

Archie's hands undid Jughead's jeans. While Jughead worked on the belt. Tongues touched. A saliva-y mess was inside their mouths. Maybe not even their own. 

Once again roles reversed and Archie was on top of him. The kisses slowly went down all the way to his V-line. A few straggled moans escaped his lips. Archie stopping over those spots. When he was done he licked all the way back up to his chin.

Jughead giggled. The kissing continued. Not stopping for one minute. That was until Jughead started falling asleep. Then Archie got off of him and laid beside him. Legs tangled together into a great big heap. 

Laying his head on Archie's bare chest, he found sleep quite easily that night. All Archie could do was hope not to wake him up.

~~~ a nice long sleep later ~~~

"Morning, Sunshine." Archie smiled at Jughead.

"G'morning, Arch." Jughead cuddled into Archie's chest even more than he was. If that was even possible. 

"Want it go get breakfast?" Archie asked. A large smile still on his face.

"Yeah just let me take a shower first." Jughead hesitantly got up.

"Can I come too?" Archie got his puppy dog eyes ready.

"You know how I feel about that!" Jughead sighed.

"But we'd be saving water, you know that water could go to someone in need!" Archie complained.

"Alright, fine. You can take a shower with me." Jughead finally let in.

"I love you, Juggy!" Archie said running off to the bathroom.

"Love you, more!" Jughead yelled after him.

(I loved writing this. In total I missed 3 days. 3 days that I thought 'wow I'm a failure', but it made me want to write even more. Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting. I hope you know I laughed, cried, and cringed at the one shots. I love all of you, and I will miss writing something everyday. I want to do something with another musical or Stephen Kings IT. Again thank you for reading, and I'll hopefully see you later. Buh-bye!) 

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