Different Clothing Style

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(Archie is more of a punk in this one, and Jughead likes to dress in pastel colors.)

Archie slid into his leather jacket over the MCR shirt he had on. The dark skinny jeans hugging his curves, and black converse loose on his feet. He looked very rugged to say the least. This was definitely going to be a day to remember whether he knew it or not. 

He stepped out of his house. Backpack swung over his shoulder The brightness stung his eyes as he started to walk to school. What he didn't know that on the other side of town was the person who would change his life for the better.

Jughead pulled the blue pastel sweater over his head. The light wash jeans and white converse were a nice touch too. He threw his pink messengers bag around him, and started his way to school. Walking past all the trailers he knew belonged to his neighbors.

Nose in his book he started his way to school. He occasionally looked up to make sure he wasn't about to run into anyone or anything. Today he thought it was a good idea to take the shortcut. This was prolonging the inevitable. He narrowly missed the boy leather jacket.

School was a bore. The lessons dragged on, and the students were practically falling asleep. However on his way to third period Archie looked at the boy in pastel for the first time. The way his black hair swooped just passed his eye. Or the way the baby blue of his sweater matched the sky. Or how the book he was reading reflected into his eyes.

He didn't realize he zoned out while thinking. Which caused him to bump into this boy he was staring at. Jughead had dropped his book when this happened. Jumping a little, but calming down almost instantly. They looked into each other's eyes (and made out...jk not really).

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Archie said. His rough and tough outside suddenly replaced with his mellow and lighthearted inside. He picked up the book for this boy. 

"No problem! I'm Jughead by the way." The pastel told him as he took the book from his hands.

"Archie, and just a question, but what book are you reading?" Archie asked.

"Oh, just Stephen King's IT (btw really excited for the movie... even though no one will take me to it :p)!" Jughead exclaimed. 

"Cool well I should be getting to class. Who do you have right now?" Archie questioned.

"Mr. Hunter." Jughead said with a quick eye roll.

"Sweet his class is on my way! I can walk you!" Archie said enthusiastically.

The walked and talked to the other about things going on in their lives. Hobbies and other small talk. Then they made it to the science lab. Mr. Hunter sat at his desk not looking forward to have the sarcastic little shit that was Jughead for the next forty-one minutes.

"Here's your stop!" Archie said as they neared the door.

"Ok well! Hopefully I wasn't a burden!" Jughead replied stopping right before the door.

"Of course not... actually I was hoping we could hang out sometime?" Archie asked brimming with hope that the answer was a yes.

"Like a date?" Jughead asked fetching a notecard out of his bag, and jotting something down on it.

"Sure if you want it to be." He mumbled still hoping he would say yes.

"I would love that! Here's my number." Jughead slipped the number in his hand and walked into the room. The pastel colors disappeared from Archie's view as the bell rang. Smiling he ran to Mrs. Hatchet's room all the way across the school. 

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