Doing Something Together

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(I hope you know how dedicated I am. I spent an hour writing a one shot that I realized just before finishing that didn't fit the criteria. So I completely redid it. I might post it. Who knows, but this is the AU where whatever you write/draw on your skin shows up on your soulmates skin!)

Archie p.o.v.

The first time I knew I had a soulmate was when I was almost six. I felt a tingle in general sensation on my palm. When I looked at it, it read:

Do I have a soulmate?

Me not not knowing what the hell that meant picked up a pen, and wrote back. The most simple thing my five year old mind could think of.


I waited for what seemed to be hours for something else to show up. Then finally something did.

I had no idea!

What the hell did that mean. Well this explains the constant marks from markers that I never use. Maybe this is what those were. At least I hope that's what those were. So me being the stupid little boy I am decided to introduce myself.

My names    

When I tried to write my name a burning sensation erupted through my arm. It was like a thousand tiny fire ants bit me at the same time. I had never felt a worse pain in my life. I dropped to my knees. Then a second my name is... appeared on my left arm. They had tried it as well. 

At least we didn't do that again. At least I didn't. I was in pain for a solid hour after that experience. It was till a week later when something showed up again. There were little drawing of flowers. 

They were the best pictures anybody had ever drew for him. They were beautifully colored in pastel pinks, purples, and blues. They may have been simple, but they meant the world to him. The flowers improved year by year. 

Talking on a regular basis, and sharing their day. It was pretty fascinating. His friend Betty had noticed them one day. Asking when I had become good at drawing. Then I told her everything. About how I had a soulmate. 

She had a very vast imagination, and said maybe he went to they're school, but Archie had quickly shut down the idea not wanting to get his hopes up. They were heading to middle school next year, and all he could think about was that maybe his soulmate would be there. 

The year started and nobody with little flowers, and part of they're conversation was on anybody else's wrist. Just his. If it was he wouldn't have been able to see it. 

Then one day a mysterious boy in a black hoodie walked into Archie's third period class. Health class. 

"Ok class it's time for you to meet our new student! You can introduce yourself I presume." The teacher stepped aside from the new boy. He's kind of cute. Archie quickly shook that thought off. What would his soulmate think.

"My names Jughead Jones, and I just switched schools." He said, and Mrs. Kelly pointed to the empty desk next to mine. He sat down. Mrs. Kelly continued the lesson.

"So, as I was saying we are learning about soulmates! We are lucky enough to have one in our class this year!" She pointed to Archie, and Jughead turned to the red head sitting next to him.

"Archie please come up, and share your experiences with your soulmate." Archie hesitatingly stood up and walked to the front of the room. 

"I've known I had soulmate since I was six. Well he kind of started the conversation. Asking if he had a soulmate. I replied with a yes. It was dorky, but what do you say when words just appear on your arm?" Archie ranted.

"Can you show us?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah sure!" I lifted my arm, and about a dozen tiny flowers were decorating his arm. Jughead blushed from his spot in the back. He knew he just found his soulmate, but was he going to say anything. No. Instead he drew a daisy on his wrist. The yellow flower appeared on Archie's arm with every swift movement of the pen he held in his hand.

Everyone ooo-d and aww-d. Archie was on the brink of doing that too. Then he headed back to his seat. Jughead pulled down his sleeve to hide it from Archie.

"Well I hope you find your lucky girl." Mrs. Kelly said.

"Or guy!" Jughead thought out loud. Gaining the attention of the students around him.

"Your right... or guy!" Mrs. Kelly said happily.

The bell rang loudly though the halls. Everyone packed up their stuff and bolted out of the room. Jughead followed his schedule. Seeing he had classes with Archie was reassuring. 

"Hey! Fag!" A voice yelled behind Jughead. Then he found himself on the ground with a looming figure over his fragile frame. 

"Leave him alone, Reggie!" A certain red head called. 

A hand reached for his own. Gladly taking it, but his sleeve slid up ever so slightly revealing a daisy drawn in his wrist. A sharp intake of breath was taken. Less than a second later Jughead felt his sleeve being pulled from his arm. Showing all the little roses, lilies, and tulips. 

Arms imbraced him. Jughead's in-distinctively wrapped around his neck. Then his feet lifted off the ground as they spun in circles. They were soulmates. Their first kiss was magical not that it would be they're last one. Not even close.

Through the ups and downs little flowers would always randomly appear on Archie's arms. Every time one randomly showed up he smiled. When they would disappear a new one would appear soon after. 

Every time someone looked at the two they would think. Even with out the writing or flowers they were soulmates. Anyone could see that from a hundred miles away. Nobody ever doubted they were soulmates either. Not for a second.

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