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(A less sad story for today. A cuddle...for you...the reader.)

Jughead had started sprinting to Archie's house after a problem at his. Soon reaching the familiar porch of his boyfriends house. He quickly knocked on the door. Hoping Archie would answer. Not that he had anything against Fred Andrews, it was just he was on the urge of breaking down. He didn't want to do that in front of Mr. Andrews.

As if on queue the red head opened the door to see a black haired boy almost in tears on his front porch. He looked like he needed someone, and Archie was the right one. Jughead had practically jumped into Archie's arms, and soaked his shoulder in the hot tears that stung his eyes.

Archie moved them both away from the door to close and lock it. Then picked up Jug and carried him to the couch. It turns out Fred wasn't home that particular day. Jughead was set on the sofa, and Archie sat down next to him.

"Juggy are you ok?" He started with.

"Yeah... I'm ok." He was staring at a wall. Wanting nothing more than to curl up and die.

"Are you sure? Did something happen at home?" 

"No actually I'm not ok (I'M NOT OKAY I'M NOT O F***ING KAY...sorry MCR on the brain). Yeah something did happen." Jughead admitted whether it be Archie or himself.

"What happened?" Archie tree not to let his anger show, but if FP laid a finger on Jughead... let's just say it was about to go down.

"My d-dad h-he yelled at me." Jughead didn't have the heart to continue, but he feared he must.

"What did he say?" Archie wanting to know what was going on urged him to talk.

"He said I was worthless, a fag, and that I should have never been born. Then he said mom didn't take me with he cause she hates me." Then the waterworks came. The tears that threatened to fall before fell freely. Without a second thought Archie wrapped his arms around Jughead.

"A-and then he slapped me." If that was even possible Jughead cried harder. 

"I'm so sorry, Juggy!" A few tears fell from Archie's eyes as he listen to the crying boy in front of him.

"He probably won't even remember by the morning. Since he was drunk." Jughead mumbled into Archie's shoulder.

"How often does this kind of thing happen?" Archie asked. He wanted to know how many times Jughead had been hurt with out him knowing. 

"One 'er two times a week." Jughead shrugged. This made Archie's blood boil. The fact that FP got so drunk he didn't remember that he emotionally and physically hurt his son. He just let Jughead cuddle into him, and kissing him all over.

After a while of this. It was almost ten o'clock at night. So Archie once again picked Jughead up, and carried him up the stairs to his bed. He got a large sweatshirt from his dresser, and undressed his boyfriend.

He saw a few bruises here and there, but there was a large scar by his shoulder blade. It was an 'ag' wondering where the rest was, and secretly hoping there was none. He was horribly wrong. The f was carved into his bicep. Running all the way to his elbow. 

Seeing as it was a scar and not fresh blood it looked to have happened awhile ago. There was that long period of time when Jug wore all long sleeves for a summer. He was just too caught up in girl drama to notice.

He threw the grey sweatshirt over Jughead's face, and pulled down until it was resting on his bare torso. Then tugging off his pants so he was in his boxers. The sweatshirt was so big it almost looked like a dress on Jug. That's why he used it. 

Then Archie stripped to his boxers, and crawled in bed with Jug. Jughead was facing the wall, and Archie pulled him close. Throwing his arm over his waist. Holding him like that would take the pain away. Even though he knew he couldn't he still did anyway.

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