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One year had past. One year since Toni. One year since the shooting.

Riverdale had since been thawed from its icy depths, summer had just arrived bringing a joyful atmosphere along with it, something the town desperately needed. Life in Riverdale seemed less chaotic. Calmer even. But yet still seemed to be more alive.

It was early Saturday morning, Jughead stood in front of the glossy white wall that held the Cooper family. His fathers unreliable pick up truck behind him, its obnoxiously loud engine alarming everyone of his arrival.

Out walked none other than Betty Cooper herself. Suitcase in hand. She walked around to the trunk, hauling her surprisingly heavy case into its depths.

He sneaked up behind her, engulfing her in his arms.

"Are you ready?" He asked, his words muffled due to his head snuggled deep into her shoulders.

She glanced around, taking everything in.

The solid steps affront her house, whom herself and Veronica had spent countless nights sat gossiping upon ; The hole in the far outer wall where Archie had crashed his bike back when they were learning to ride .The house had irreplaceable memories, its caved roof reminding her of the her late best friend , Kevin, and the nights they would climb atop the house with a pint of ice cream in hand and stare at the stars. Her empty bay window, that opened its doors letting the best thing in her life clamber in.

She fees like this is more than a goodbye. Like she's leaving this part of her life behind, putting it to rest for good.

She took a deep breath, giving her childhood one more glance over, taking it in before its only a faded memory.

She closed her eyes for a brief moment, as his arms wrapped tighter around her torso. His head fell unto the all so familiar crevis in her neck. Stretching a smile across her face.

It didn't matter about what she was  leaving behind, the memories will stay with her forever. She layed her hands upon his , the warmth of his body heating up her body. The way his breathing moved his entire body. He was her future.

It was time, college was intimidating , scary even. The thought of change scared them both. Despite both attending the same college , they both majored in different things. They can not predict the future , they can not control it. They don't know what is standing around every corner and what trouble is going to pile on top of the last.

But what they do know is that they love each other, and that's enough for now.

She took a deep breath and turned towards him, wrapping herself further into his arms.

"I'm ready." 

"Are you forgetting anything?"

She lifted her head to meet his, she leant in . A sweet , short kiss fell upon his lips.

"I have everything I need right here."

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