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I began to panic, I couldn't see him anywhere. I turned to my right, to my left, every possible place he could be spotted. No where to be seen, I spotted Hunter and Luna I tapped Luna on the shoulder. "Where's Jacob?" I panicked. "Wasn't he with Lyd-." she paused shaking her head making me panic more.

Bathroom, maybe he had to go to the bathroom and asked Lydia to show him where it's at. "Stay here and text me if you see him." I said with one hand on Luna's shoulder. I ran towards the tile stairs of the house. I bumped into a couple of people carelessly.

My eyes skimmed through the hallway looking at the white doors. Any of these could be the bathroom. "Excuse me do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked one of the girls that danced as if she left her house at sixteen to stop going to school to become a stripper. She shrugged as she kept dancing.

I sighed my phone lit up and I face palmed myself. Why hadn't I used my phone to text him. I shook my head and texted him.

hot kid i'm dating‼️🤤
today 10:47 PM


I continued my search.

Maybe if I look through every door I'll find him. I stared with the first door opening it, it was simple and white the bed was neat nothing was out of place, strange. A couple doors later I opened one of the last ones hoping he would be sitting on the toilet or something. I turned the knob, immediately I heard moans. I gasped, scared to peek I began to close the door until I heard it.

"Oh my god, Jacob."

I felt my cheeks getting warm. I couldn't help but yell at him. "How could you?!" I yelled.

Two confused kids looked at me. I realized that it wasn't Jacob, but a different Jacob. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." I said walking backwards. "Get the fuck out you pervert!" the girl yelled. I walked out closing the door behind me sitting down in front of the door with both of my hands on my knees.

I stood back up determined to look for Jacob. There was one last door and I slowly turned the knob. I looked inside through the mirror. My heart dropped and tears immediately ran down my cheeks. Lydia was kissing Jacob's neck leaving marks on his neck. "What the fuck." I swung the door open. Lydia's lips were no longer on Jacob's neck and she looked at me with an evil smirk.

Jacob looked at Lydia and then back at me, he did so about a couple times until he realized what he had done. I wiped my cheek, "Haze-."

"I don't wanna hear it." I said and I ran out of the bathroom of embarrassment. My heart was broken and I felt as if I didn't want to live anymore.

| lydia
"Tonight should be eventful." I smirked as I bridge she ends of my hair. "Elaborate." Lorena said. I pulled out the sleep medicine in my pocket. "W-what's that for?" Alex interrupted. I put the medicine back in my pocket. "Jacob."

"Oh no you're not." Alex said. "Calm down Alex she's just going to have a little fun it's not like anyone's going to find out." Lorena laughed. "What if Hazel finds out?" Alex replied with sass. "She won't, and if she does it's what she deserves." I smacked my lips together from the lip gloss I had applied.
I poured the medicine into the cup when no one was looking. I held all five cups in my hands. I handed the cup to Jacob making sure it had the black dot on the cup indicating it was the cup with the sleeping medicine. "Uh oh, looks like I forgot your drink. I just don't think that little girls like you can take what's in their cup." I exchanged looks with Hazel. Her fists were clenched but Jacob got a grasp of her. "It's okay, I'll just go get one myself." she said as she walked towards the table where Alex stood.

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