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| joey
"Eh I'll go." I shrugged. I act careless most of the time to hide my fear. If the situation Hazel is in is that bad that she doesn't want to talk to Luna then something is definitely up.

We walked out of the house, "What do you think is wrong?" I ask Mark and Loren who were beside me. "I saw Luna text Hazel something about Jacob." Mark shrugged. "Oh no." Loren mumbled. "You don't think that he cheated on her do you?" I gulped at the thought of it.

Would he really do such a thing?

We reached Hazel's house and Luna reached for a rock. What the hell is she going to do with a rock? Under the rock revealed a key, the house key I would suppose. I stared at the key in confusion. "What?" she asked as we all stared. I shook my head.

It was pitch black and I could rarely see anything. I took a couple steps into the house and eventually tripped on something. All of a sudden the lights turned on and everyone stared at me. "Joey get up!" Loren harshly whispered. I got up and we continued to walk into her house. Luna ran up the stairs and we followed. She finally stopped at a door and turned the door knob, only it didn't open.

"She locked it." Luna whispered.

"This is where I come in hand." Loren took a bobby pin and began to pick at the door knob. Finally we heard a click, Luna quickly opened the door.

She paused for a second, "Oh my god!" she yelled.
How could you have done this to yourself Hazel?

A tear ran down my cheek. My hands were in my hair as I sat in the bland looking waiting room. I'm anxious, nervous, sad, in pain, I don't know how I feel. Loren had gone to get coffee.

We were all a complete mess. Then I thought


Holy shit Jacob. What is he going to say? Feel? Think? Do?

The thought of him crying gave me the chills and I leaned back into my seat. "You're eyes are red." Luna said. "Yours look swollen." I responded. She took a big gulp, "W-what if she doesn't m-ma-."

"Don't say that." I interrupted her.

"Joey it could happen and telling yourself it won't isn't going to help you for when it hap-."

"Luna. Don't say that." I wanted to yell at her, but maybe yelling wasn't appropriate for the moment.

"I'm going crazy Joey." she sobbed as she put her hand in her face. I put my hands in my sweatshirt pocket. All of a sudden I heard paper crumbling, but I didn't turn.

Mark stopped and stared at them, "D-do you think they're letters?" he asked.

I felt Luna nudge my arm, she placed a paper on my lap and I stared at it. Finally, I opened it slightly shaking.

dear joey,
oh god joey, what would i do without you. meeting you was a pleasure, i loved every single part of going downtown with you to get some ice cream and getting to know you. even though jacob kind of got out of hand everything else was worth it. stay strong bud, you'll find a girl soon, name your kid after me though, ok bye.

My heart raced, at least now I knew that she was content with me and I wasn't one of the reasons she did this.

I began to think about what Luna had said earlier.

"Joey it could happen and telling yourself it won't isn't going to help you when it happens."

It replayed over and over again.



a/n; i'm proud of myself for writing half of this in one whole night instead of procrastinating. sorry for not updating faster, once again, SCHOOL.

ok BYE ILY💛💛💛💛

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