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                             ( don't know if the link will work, it's a cover of the song on too that i like better than the original. if the link doesn't work, just listen to the original)


| jacob
It's been about two months since Hazel's been in the hospital. It's been two months since I've heard her laugh or seen her smile. We all take turns going home now since the doctors think it's not mentally healthy for us to stay 24/7. I hate leaving this place, but I hate staying.

The thought of the beating of her her heart stopping brings me so much sadness. My friends are waiting for her to wake up, but I'm waiting for her heart to stop beating. Not that I want it to, it's just fear has taken me over.

My phone vibrated and I took it out of my back pocket.

mom💓 now
heading to the hospital. You guys need anything?

I replied to her text.

| hazel
"I love you." he said. I laughed, "You're so adorable." I reached for his hand but right as I touched it he disappeared into thin air. I got up quickly, "Jacob?" I panicked. All of a sudden everything around me disappeared and everything was black.

"I need you," there was a voice in the distance. "We need you." it got louder. "Who is it?!" I yelled. "I'm so sorry baby." the voice began to cry. That's when I realized who it was.

"Jacob." I whispered to myself. I stared into space, when I began having flashbacks of everything.

The night of the party.

The cheating.

The Xanax.

The letters.

The post.


That's when I started to remember of all the important events in my life. When I first met Luna. My sister leaving. Telling Jacob I loved him. Spending quality time with my friends, all the laughs and smiles and choking on our own saliva.

I missed it, a lot. All of a sudden a door appeared. I was scared to go near it, where would it take me? I walked towards it slowly, I reached for the knob hoping the door wouldn't disappear just like Jacob did.

I grabbed it twisting it slowly. A bright light appeared and with hesitation I took a step in.


My eyes slowly opened I saw a light above me and slightly turned my head. My friends were snoring on a couple of chairs that looked uncomfortable. I smiled a bit. Then I looked to my right and looked at Jacob who had his head in my lap. It seemed like he was crying and I wanted to comfort him even after all he did. I slowly reached for his hand holding it slightly.

He looked at his hand and then looked up at me. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet. He wiped his tears. "Hazel." he said. "Hi." I smiled. "I-I'm so sorry." he cried.

"Me too." I said.

"You didn't do anything don't be sorry."

"Clearly, I've cause you guys a lot of pain."

There was a silence.

"How long?" I asked

"How long what?" he blew his nose into a tissue.

"Have I been in a coma."

"Two months." he replied.

"Jeez." I rubbed my forehead.

"Oh my God."

I turned around to my left. Joey was rubbing his eyes, "Is this a dream?" he said. I shook my head. He shook Luna and the rest of my friends. They all awoke and stared at me. "Hazel!" Loren laughed, she ran up and hugged me.

"I missed you so much." she began to cry. "I missed all of you guys so much." I cried with her. "It's a miracle." we heard a voice at the door.

A doctor stood at the door with his hands on his mouth. "How long ago was it that she woke up?" he asked. "Couple minutes ago." Jacob responded.


I looked towards the end of the bed. My sister, Olive stood there slightly smiling. I could feel all of my hatred for her come out. At the moment all I could feel was happiness that I was with my friends. I smiled back.

"Hi bubs." I replied. A tear rolled down her face as she smiled. "I'm sorry." she smiled. "I forgive you." I teared up.

"Bubba, Bubs?" Jacob questioned. "Nicknames for eachother when we were younger." I replied.

"Baby." my mom rest her hand on my cheek. "Mom," I paused, "I'm so sorry." I cried. "I didn't mean to scare you like this."

"It's ok baby, you made it." she smiled as tears rolled down her cheek.

I made it.
a/n; IM NOT EVEN KIDDING I CRIED WRITING THIS. ok ok you guys can scold me for not updating, i've been having a really tough time lately but i always come back to writing for some reason landksbs

buttttt i got braces and bangs while i was gone ! oof JSJSJS


instagram; jacob sartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now