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wait did you really think this was an update? well you're wrong. don't EVER judge a book by it's cover.

no i'm just playing with you

| loren

Something bad is bound to happen, I can feel it.

The words replayed in my mind, goosebumps formed on my arms. Luna's eyebrows were furrowed as she looked at her phone screen, "I'm going to Hazel's house." Luna tapped Hunter's shoulder. "I'm going with you." I said. "I wanna go!" Mark said. "Eh I'll go." Joey said. "Which means I have to go." Hunter face palmed himself.
We finally arrived to Hazel's house, Luna picked up a rock revealing a key. We all stared at Luna, "What?" she said. I shook my head. It was pitch black, someone finally turned he lights on and Joey laid on the floor, "Joey get up!" I whispered harshly.

Luna walked upstairs to Hazel's bedroom, she twisted the doorknob but it wouldn't open. "She locked it." Luna said. "This is where I come in hand." I take a bobby pin out and bend it. I put in the key hole twisting it a couple times. Finally I heard a click, I opened the door and Luna ran in.

I couldn't really make out what laid on the bed but Luna did. "Oh my god!" Luna ran over to Hazel who laid on her bed as if she were asleep. I ran over as Luna shook Hazel, at first I was confused.

But then I saw the pills.
"I need coffee." I said anxiously. "We all need coffee." I continued after looking over at the boys that were half asleep. Luna nodded, "Ill go with you." she half way stood up until I interrupted her. "No no stay here, you look tired." I said. She nodded. I grabbed my sweater and headed towards the elevator.

What if Hazel doesn't make it?

What if she never gets to get married or have kids?

What if she never graduated high school?

Why was I so rude to her before?

My breathing got heavier and I grabbed onto the rail of the elevator. Then the elevator door opened and I let go of the rail patting down the sweatpants my mom had brought me earlier to change in from my jeans. I walked towards the small coffee store which was surprisingly aesthetically pleasing for a hospital.

"Hi can I have five tall caramel macchiatos?" I asked the middle-aged woman whose hair was tied up and lipstick was a bit smeared. She nodded. "That'll be $18.75."

I swiped my credit card and entered my pin number. "It'll be a couple minutes." she said. I faked a smile and sat down as I waited. For some reason I was waiting for Luna or someone to text me that Hazel is perfectly fine and she can go home by tonight, but it never happened.

"Here you go sweetie, I hope you're family member or friend is okay." she smiled. I nodded and smiled, "Thank you so much, that means a lot."

I walked back out of the shop and back into the elevator. It felt like it took forever to come back to the waiting room. I was nervous, would there be any news on Hazel's condition?

As soon as I walked in I looked over at Luna and Mark. "D-do you think they're letters?" he asked. I froze and stared at the papers. She shuffled through the papers and handed me one. I put the tray of coffee down and took the letter.

I sat down, I was scared. The name was neatly written in cursive.


I slightly opened the letter feeling a little nervous.

dear loren,
wow, we've come a long way, from hating eachother to being best friends. i'm so sorry for my past actions i don't know what i was thinking. please please please never give up, i know you're dreams will come true. i love you and thank you for being one of my best friends, i hope you prosper

The words ended there, I covered my mouth and began to sob. This can not be happening, not to me, not any of us.

Most importantly not to her. By this time everyone had tears rolling down their cheeks. Luna looked over at me, she got up and sat next to me wrapping her arms around me. Then came Mark, soon Hunter came, and without hesitation came Joey. We all squeezed each others arms as we mourned.

She was what brought us together.
a/n; HEY IM NOT DEAD HAHSGD, i probably did bad on my math test though so maybe i'll get grounded again idk💀 (yes i got grounded bc of my grades)

but can i just say, thank you to everyone who has read this story it's honestly so crazy that this story has 69k reads !! that honestly blows my mind. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING.

alr i'm going to be responding to all comments so leave a comment, vote, or don't do any of those two it's ok i'll still love you. OK


instagram; jacob sartoriusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora