In Between the Lines

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"Genevieve, what the fuck!? Do you know what kind of shit can happen because of what you did? She can sue you! You could go lose your job!" "That bitch isn't going to do a damn thing." "If she were sane, she would!" Bruno shouted at me. "Not only did she kill my sister, but she tried taking someone that means more than the world to me. Do you really think I'd let that woman take you away from me?" "Do you think I'd run after some girl when I already have one pregnant?" I crossed my arms and didn't say a word. "You really think I'd go chase after her, Eve? You know, you're a smart girl, but sometimes you come up with the stupidest shit." "Fuck you, Bruno! You're not helping the situation at all." "Fuck me? Fuck you Genevieve! You can't always be right all the damn time. It's okay to be wrong sometimes. I'm only thinking about the safety of you and our child." "Well maybe you should start thinking about yourself!"

Bruno paused. Shocked by what I said, " What is that supposed to mean Genevieve?" "It means exactly you think it means. I can't even stand the sight of you right now. You're supposed to defend me." "I can't defend you, when you were in the wrong Genevieve..." I grabbed my belongings and said, "Good bye Bruno."

I walked to the door and opened it, however, Bruno slammed it shut unallowing me to leave. "We're not playing this childish shit anymore. I promised you, I wouldn't leave, now it's time for you to hold up your side of the bargain." "Leave me alone, Bruno." I said. Bruno extended his arms, placing his hands on the door, unallowing me to leave or move. "I'll be damned if I did just that." Our faces were so close, I feel him exhaling through his nose. "You need to understand two things. One, what you did back there was absolutely unecessary. Two, you could've hurt yourself and our child. I know you're hurting. I know you, in a way, want your sister back, but you acting out and losing your character is just going to make everything worse. Stop being so stubborn. "

After hours of just thinking how everything will pan out from what happened today, I decided to read some more from Genesis' diaries. There had to be more information in within this book. If I read what was between the lines, maybe, just maybe, my point will be proven.

I flipped to the last page of the book, and there was 3 pages worth of either valuable or totally irrelevant information.

The diary began as:

Today, after I got home from work, I picked up the mail to see something heart wrenching. An eviction notice. Brandon and I split the pay of the mortgage, but the house was under his name. We were bound to be homeless because he wasn't paying his fair share. Since the house was under his name, I, in a way, donated my earnings to him so we were both, physically, paying for it. He had basically been throwing my money away. I confronted him about it, but he told me don't worry about it Gen. I got it handled. I had been lied to. He eventually told me, he had asked the man he worked for, to give him a loan to help him pay for the house. Brandon never paid back. With us about to lose the house, him cheating on me, and him constantly reminding me of my incapability of having children, I wasn't happy. I was absolutely miserable. I was ready to file for divorce. But I fear that if Brandon doesn't pay his dues, we all may pay the consequences.

This is what my mother informed me about. Genesis was planning to leave Brandon. I flipped back a few pages and read upon something else.

It's Wednesday again, and Brandon isn't home again. Apparently his job makes him stay late on Wednesdays and it made me nervous, but lonely most of the time. He always told me don't call me on the job, my boss will be upset. So I never did, but I would wait up until one or two in the morning, for my husband to come back home. He was holding secrets from me. I knew he was, but I was too scared to know what he was hiding from me.

This expanded my curiosity so much more. But I feel that after reading this, is bringing me closet to the end of this case.

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