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I sit in this closet, hot, sweaty, and scared. I was almost caught. What I did can be considered a crime. I could barely stand on my feet, but I bared with it. I put the key in my bra and unfortunately I placed the diary I'm my underwear, just for a temporary purposes.

I walked out of the room, without being seen and made my way down the stairs. Just as I made it to the bottom, Bruno walked across, I suppose searching for me. "Bruno." I said. "Oh, there you are. I was getting worried. Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm ready to go home." "Why? We've only been here for two hours." I patted my belly and said, "They're ready to go home." I gave Bruno a little smirk, and I think he caught on to what I was referencing. "Okay, let me just call the Lyft, and we can get going." "Alright." I said.

Veronica came behind me, and asked me, "Did you get it?" "Yes, I did." I said. "I hope that gives you everything you wanted in this case." "Thanks." Bruno locked his arm with mine, and we began to walk away. "Genevieve?" Veronica called again. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. About what happened to your sister. I know how it feels to lose the one you love. But I also know what it feels like to get revenge on the ones that took your loved one away." I saw the sincerity in her eyes. "It's okay. Thank you, Veronica."

As I exited the car, Bruno paid the driver and followed me to the front door. "Thank you for coming with me, babe." "No need to thank me. I hope you had a good time." "Oh I had a marvelous time." I pulled my dress up, taking the book from out of my underwear. "Damn, you got a whole library in there? Can I take a peak?" Bruno laughed. "Back off, man." I put my hand on his chest. "This is what I've been needing." Bruno grabbed the diary and looked at it, as if it were garbage. "Who's is it?" Bruno asked. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out right now." I went in my bra and pulled out the key. I walked to the back room and in my bra and underwear, I sat on the bed, curious yet scared to see what lies in this book. I took the key, and inserted it into the lock. I turned the cover to see who's book this belonged to.

Brandon James Longhorn

I finally took the courage to turn a few more pages to the first portion of his diary.

I remember when me and Genesis first got married, all she talked about was Genevieve and how she never came to our wedding. I knew why she didn't come. She hates me. I didn't care. She was an over dramatic bitch anyways, but I love her sister, so that's all that mattered.

I could've strangled him, if I knew this earlier. I flipped through a couple of pages until I came to a stop.

Genesis and I have been experiencing some problems in our marriage and we've been separated for a few months. Maybe four months now. But during that time I was separated from her, I made a good friend. He was great. We always went to the bar, went clubbing. We were living our bachelor lives.

I continued to flip through a few pages until I came across something really interesting, which, I think, linked to Genesis' diary.

A few weeks ago, I realized that the bills for the house and utilities were going up. At this point, Genesis and I were still separated, but we were talking again at a distance. I asked my friend for help, since he worked real estate, but he told me that if I wanted a loan, I had to do something for him. We had been talking for a total of five months, but I didn't realize he felt a certain way towards me. I guess I could say I felt the same way, but I feared of judgement. We eventually made love, but it felt weird, awkward. It was only one time, and it was the only time. He gave me the loan, but after that, we stopped talking. Sometimes, I wonder how he's doing.

I was piecing everything together now. According to Genesis, she saw Brandon sleeping with another person, that person was a man. But who was that man?

But when reading these diaries, it made me understand the vivid fact that Brandon was in all sense a whore. He slept around, but Genesis was so afraid of being alone, she put up with it, until she couldn't anymore.

It's been almost eight months now, and Genesis and I are finally getting back on track. Our marriage is still rocky, but we're fighting through everything. But it was on this day, where everything ended. Not only did she find an eviction notice but she found a letter sent from my 'friend'  She asked me why he sent a letter with a heart by my name. I couldn't explain it to her. She opened the letter and read it to me. All it said was This is only the beginning

"BRUNO!" I screamed. "Bruno! Oh my God, get in here!" Bruno ran into the room in a panic. "What is it? Are you okay?" "This journal! This really did give me all the answers. Veronica was right!" "Two things, one, you should apologize to her for everything, and two, now that you've gotten all the answers. Can you set that aside and just, you know, lay with me? It's all I ask for." I twisted my lip and consented. I took the book and set it in the drawer and exited the bedroom. The feeling was great. I've got what I've been looking for, but now, I needed confirmation.

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