Chapter One - Spider Run

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Kia's P.O.V

Besides my parents naming me after a car, there are a few other things about me.

One: I have a dog named Appa and a cat named Elvis.

Appa as in the flying bison from Avatar and Elvis as in Presley.

Two: My full name is Kia Nicola Allen. So my car name comes first and my normal name comes second.

Three: I name all the inanimate objects in my room. Like my bed is Fluffy. And my nightstand is Sally.

Four: My mother is 48 and pregnant. I mean, like, Ew. Isn't she suppose to hit menopause or something?

Five: I was asked to be a fake girlfriend. Awkward.

Mason Small. The school and town's local playboy, bad boy and millionaire. Yes, playboy. He's 'humped and dumped' every single person in our school. Excluding boys of course.

Kia - I'm at the bottom of the popularity pyramid. I have two friends, whom you'll meet later. I've never done anything wild, illegal or even close. Hell! I never even kissed a guy or came close to puckering my lips. So why in the name of everything pure does the need me to be his fake girlfriend?

Well, because I'm absolutely perfect. His words, not mine. And I quote "Your innocence is too cute. You're absolutely perfect!"


Here I am heading to my locker to get my books for Algebra class, someone taps me on my shoulder. I kept bobbing my head to the music blasting from my iPod. I figured it was Julian ready to scare me with some stupid rubber spider. The tapping became annoyingly rapid and I was beginning to get a bit frustrated. Just a bit.

"What!?!" I spun around. But I probably should've kept ignoring the taps, because here I am staring at a giant tarantula in my face.

I shrieked like a banshee and bolted away from Julian and his 'pet'. Without looking where I was running, I ran face front into a brick wall.

Not really a wall but it was solid hard. Like a rock. A rock with abs and stuff.

My nose squished up against this rock, "ow" I said, but it came out more like 'meow ', like Gary from Spongebob.

"Ouch. My chest." a voice rumbled above me. Okay, so he's taller than me. Way way way taller.

Without lifting my head I could see from his neck down. He had on a white T-shirt underneath a black leather jacket. Only one boy in our school wears that outfit. Uh-oh.


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