Chapter Five - Ditching; a first time offender

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Love is not getting, but giving.... It is goodness and honour and peace and pure living— yes, love is that, and it is the best thing in the world and the thing that lives the longest.

-Henry Van Dyke


Kia's P.O.V.

After what seemed like hours of driving, we finally got to the carnival.

"Ferris wheel!!" I screeched. I took Mason by the hand and tugged him to the line. He paid and we got on.

"So I take it you like the Ferris wheel?" he asked, once we were seated. I nodded, "yup"

The ride started and we sat in silence. I could feel Mason's eyes burning holes into the side of my head, I smile slightly. "Something wrong?" I ask.

"No. It's dress like an old lady." he blurts out.

I slowly turned my head towards him, he was smirking. I glare at him while he just smirks. He's just sitting there. Smirking. I blinked and turned my head back to its original position, not responding to Mason's comment.

He chuckles lightly, the breeze whips my hair, which causes it to lash Mason in the face, probably stinging him. "Ah! Kia! Dammit. Get your hair out my face!" he yells.

I smirk victoriously, "That's for the 'old lady' comment", I let my hair slap him once more before pulling it into a ponytail.

Mason then scooted closer to me, "What are you doing?" I asked while giving him a pointed look.

"It's cold over there," he said and puts an arm around my shoulder. I immediately reacted and jerked forward, which makes the seat we're in lean slightly to the front. A gasp escapes my lips and I pull back. My heart's hammering in my chest and Mason's just grabbing onto my shoulder.

"We should get off this thing" Mason spoke. I nodded.


After the ride, we walked around playing games. He even won a teddy bear.

"Here" he said and gave me the bear.

"Thanks," I said, blushing. "It's so soooffttt!" I cooed and hugged the bear closely.

I hear Mason laugh. Suddenly he was behind me, hugging me.

"What are you doing!?" I hissed at him.

"Listen, just act calm, keep smiling. Don't look now but the paparazzi are here. I didn't expect them to find me so fast." he said in my ear, making me shiver.

"Do they usually follow you around?" I ask while smiling.

"Sometimes, but now they're seeing me with a girl, so this is a juicy story for them. Now laugh like I said something funny."

I break out laughing, "I like your laugh," Mason said while laughing with me.

I took this time to glance around, I noticed some guys with cameras snapping pictures. I turned my body in Mason's grip around my waist. "Should we do something couples normally do?" I asked.

"Yeah. But like what?" he asked. I looked around a bit, then I noticed a lady selling cotton candy. "Okay. See that lady selling cotton candy?" he nods "Good, now we're gonna go over there begging you to get me some, you're gonna make your way over there slowly, buy it and then you piggyback ride me outta here" I explained. He nodded.

We 'casually' made our way over to the lady. By 'casually' I mean, I whacked him with the bear and he threw me over his shoulder.

"Mason! Please!" I pout at him from below. "Mason! Put me down!"

"But babe, I like the view," he says and chuckles. I hear the lady selling the cotton candy laugh. "Can I have two please?" Mason said.

"What flavors honey?" she asked him.

"The blue one for me and what's for you babe?" he asked me.

"Pink please!" I shout from my position.

Mason pays and collects our candy. He gently places me on my feet. As soon as I'm standing I start punching him in random areas. "I hate you!" I scream. Mason laughs and takes me around my waist, "No you don't" he said and kissed my cheek. I pout and snatched my candy from him.

"Ah. Young love" the lady coos. "You two are beautiful together. I don't see many young couples like you anymore. Stay together. The love you share is beautiful." she says.

Mason and I stand there in shock. I mean, we're not actually together but this lady's going on about 'young love'? Talk about awkward.

Mason is staring at me with the same look he gave me in the car. I smile at him. "Earth to Mason," I said.

He blinks then smiles, "Thank you," he said to the lady. "Come on" he tugs my hand. I put the bear under my arm so I can eat my candy.

"We should, like, feed each other" he suggests. Oh hell no.

"No," I answer.

"Kia. Paps. Feed me." he said. "Fine!" I tear a piece off and shove it in his mouth. "Lovingly!" he scolds. I growled and put it in his mouth 'lovingly'. Whatever.

"Good good. Smile. Now I feed you" he said while tearing a piece from his blue candy.

I shake my head, "No Mason. Can we just go?" I began walking away but he pulled me back and shoved the candy in my mouth. "What happened to lovingly?" I shouted to him, which earned a few chuckles from the paps. Mason just rolled his eyes, intertwined our hands and walked me out of the carnival.

The paparazzi started bombarding us and asking questions by then.

"Mason, is she your girlfriend?"

"How long have you two been together?"

"Are you two eloping?" Okay, the hell?

Once we're in the car, I turn to Mason, "You didn't tell me you're that famous, moron"

"It slipped, okay?" he said while starting the car.

I don't reply. I ignore him the whole way home.

We pulled up to my house around 4 o'clock, I got out of the car "Later".

"Bye honey! Love you too!" he said sarcastically. I felt a sudden urge to give him the forbidden finger.

When I got home, no one was there. All alone.

I showered and changed into my Pj's. Skipping downstairs, I flopped down on the couch and started 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'.

After my shower and preparation for my movie, it was about 5:20 pm.

A knock on the door interrupted my movie. Growling, I got up and walked to the door, "Who is it?"

No answer.

"Who is it?" I asked again.

No answer.

Picking up the baseball bat that lay at the door, I tried again, "Who is it?"

The person only responded by knocking on the door again.

Raising the bat above my head I pulled the door open.


I screamed and swung the bat, hitting the person in their head.

Dropping at my feet like a sack of potatoes, was none other than Mason.



Sorry it's short :$

Song of the Chapter: The lazy song by Bruno Mars.

Also! I write on my Kindle so if there are any mistakes ... I'm sorry.

Check out Pentatonix. They're awesome!!

M'kay Bye!


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