Chapter Fifteen - I fudging love you.

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First of friggin' all. My wattpad got deleted multiple tines from off my Kindle, which I write from, so the chapters I write that aren't uploaded yet always get deleted. 

So I'm just gonna write and upload, forgive me.

Here goes!

Mason's P.O.V

Why am I so emotional?

No it's not a good look, gain some self control.

Deep down I know this never works, but you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt.

Oh won't you, stay with me?

Cause you're all I need.

This ain't love, it's cle-

               "What the actual fudge?" Damon asked, shutting off Sam Smith.

I shoved my face deeper into the sheets, "I'm heartbroken, I listen to Sam Smith." I muttered.

   Julian shook his head, "Dude, not even Kia is listening to Sam Smith."

Hunter sighed and walked over to my windows and pulled the curtains apart while Damon ripped the sheets away from me.

I screamed and shoved the pillow over my head, "The sun... it burns, man" I mumbled.

"Okay, you need a shower. Get your lazy bum up and to the bathroom." Hunter said, tugging at my ankles.

"No. Only Kia can mend my broken heart now." I said lamely.

"Just so you know, she's on her way here now." Julian said casually.


"Listen, you're grown people, you need to talk-"

"Or kiss." Damon interrupted.

"-Or kiss it out. She loves you man, she exact way you love her." Hunter finished.

"Say no more." I scrambled off the bed and bolted to the bathroom.

Kia's P.O.V

Those little buggers bribed me.

Jade had told me if I wore the dress and six inch heels, she would buy me a lifetime supply of Skittles. 

Let's face it, who says no to Skittles?

So I went ahead with it and here I am dressed in a black lace tube dress that stopped at my thighs.

The other bribe was Arianna getting me into the car.

After I refused to get in for about ten times, she resorted to bribing me with Coca-Cola. One of my heavenly weaknesses.

Kezzy must have told her.

So here I am, sitting in a car, in a laced tube dress and six inch heels, sipping on Coke.

Tut tut.

As I see Mason's house approaching, my insides turn.

"I can't do this." I whispered, feeling a bit of Coke in my throat.

"I'll buy you four jumbo Cadbury Milk Chocolates." Kezzy whispered in my ear.

"I could do this." I whispered, gulping down the last bit of Coke left in the can.

Feeling a burst of energy, I marched up to the door and pushed it open, the first sight I encountered was Damon on Hunter's back yelling, "Run, man run! The sky is falling!"

I opened my mouth to ask what the heck was going on but I decided that I didn't want to know.

Marching up the stairs, I walked right up to Mason's room and froze.

My hand raised to knock but I just kinda froze.

"Knock. Just knock." Julian whispered behind me.

Then he turns to Damon, "Do you think she knows how to knock?" he asked, imitating Olaf from Frozen.

Deciding that I shouldn't even knock, I pushed the door open and stepped inside, closing it firmly behind me.

Mason stood on the other side of his bed, staring at me.

I stared back.

"Hi." He whispered.

"Don't 'hi' me you penis! I didn't deserve one bit of what you put me through for the last four days, lonely and without you. And not feeling you touch me, or annoy me with your stupid voice, or- or your stupid kisses that always somehow make me blush..." I trailed off because, I was now engulfed in Mason. All of Mason, he just hugged me.

"I'm sorry, babydoll. I really am." He whispered above me.

Cause when your hearts against my chest.

Your lips pressed to my neck.

I've fallen for your eyes.

But they don't know me yet.

And with this feeling I forget, I'm in love now.

Kiss me, like you wanna be loved, wanna be loved, wanna be loved.

This feels like falling in love, falling in love, falling in love.

I lean back and glance up at Mason, "BTW, I totes like you." I said up at him.

"That's the problem, I, DON'T, like you." He said to me.

My heart clenched inside my chest.

"You, you don't?" By now tears were brimmed at my eyes, ready to spill.

"No, Kia. I fudging love you."

My heart soared, every fibre in my body rejoiced.

He loves me.

Voice! He loves me!!

Congratulations. But I totally saw this coming.

I bit my lip, brought my face to his and whispered against his lips, "I fudging love you too."

So kiss me like you wanna be loved.

Ed Sheeran couldn't have said it any better.

His lips: Hey! Where have you been? Missed you...

My lips: Ditto.


In fell six of my best friends, all sprawled out on the floor, on Mason's bedroom door.

        "We weren't eavesdropping or anything!" Julian blurted out.

"Yeah! Not at all! We um, we were... testing the door! Yeah, that's what we were doing..." Damon said, getting up.

"Looks like you need a new door. It's not very strong..." Hunter trailed off, glancing at the now broken door.

I laughed and shook my head at my oh - so - great friends.

"So, if you weren't listening in, where'd Ed Sheeran's voice come from, suddenly singing about kissing?" I asked casually.

"Pskk, Duhh! The um, radio!" Jade said.

I nodded, "Uh huh. Sure."


Why hullo there.

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