Chapter Eight-My, my, look how the tables have turned.

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Kia's P.O.V

"And so class, Adolf Hitler was-" Snore.

"Miss Allen." Snore.

"Kia Allen!" my history teacher shouted.

"Huh! What!?" I jumped up from my slumber. The class erupted in laughter, but I wasn't the least embarrassed, this is a norm.

He sighed, "Please, grace us with your knowledge on Hitler"

I scowled, "Well.."

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Go Kia!" Kezzy cheered from the back of the class.

I cleared my thorat and got up. "Well. Hitler. Was the dude, that um, killed all those people in that year, and um, he was, uh, totally awesome! Team Hitler! Yeah!" I yelled, fist-pumping the air. The class cheered and Mr. Jameson sighed, "Please take your seat and try to pay attention in my class."

Mason snickered. "No promises, Sir" I mock saluted and went back to my seat.

Julian high-fived me. 

"Okay, for assignment,  you will pair up-" The bell rang signaling the end of this boring class and the end of school.

"The gods have spoken!" I yelled and ran out of History.

Let's just say its not the best subject.

I walked to my locker and put my books in, got my bag and sprinted out of that hell hole.

Julian and Kezzy were waiting for me in the parking lot of the school, but to my surprise, they weren't alone.

Guess who?

Jade, Arianna, Hunter, Damon, and Mason was surrounding my car.

"Uh, hey guys," I said.

A chorus of 'hey's passed around. Mason stepped forward, "I haven't seen you all day. Where have you been?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

My cheeks burned slightly. Still not used to this.

"Dude, you saw me like five minutes ago, and we ate lunch together" I clarified.

"I know, I missed you though," he said, kissing my cheek.

"Awwwww" three voices chorused simultaneously.

"Get a room," Hunter called playfully.

I laughed and pulled out of Mason's embrace. "So, what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well, they wanted to hang out with you, so here we are," Mason explained.

I laughed again, "How about we all go ice skating Friday night?" I suggested.

Jade, Arianna and Kezzy's face lit up. "Great idea!" Jade sang.

"No!" Mason yelled, breaking the girls squealing. I looked at him.

"We go see a movie," he said. The girls were about to lash out on him when he continued, "Then! we go ice skating!"

"I pick the movie!" Damon said raising his hand.

"Great! Then it's settled. See you guys tomorrow. Anybody needs a ride home?" I asked.

Julian and Kezzy got in the car, "Bye guys!" they yelled.

I pulled out the parking lot, leaving Mason, Jade, Damon, Arianna, and Hunter.


I was in my room, silently finishing up my AP English homework when a knock came on my bedroom door.

"Come in!"

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