Chapter Eleven - Amore Mio

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What we call the end is also a beginning. The end is where we start from.
– T. S Elliot. (A/N The hell is it with these people and their riddles?!)

Kia's P.O.V

Half an hour later, Mason, Allion and I were all at the mall.

Allion pulled me aside.

"He's here!" she whispered frantically.

I was confused, "Who?"

"Look over there. Kevin! The boy I told you about." she nodded to a group of boys.

In total there were four boys, a tall red-headed one with pimples that even I could see from here, a chubby one with a candy bar in hand, one that wore glasses AND braces and a normal looking one, but you could see that when he hits puberty, he is gonna be a piece of hotness.

I squinted, "The one with the braces?"

"What? No, Ew. The one next to him." she shrieked.

"The fat one?"

She sighed, frustrated, "No! The normal-looking one!"

"Oh! Well, he's good looking." I said.

"Um, ladies?" Mason called.

I looked over, "Yeah?"

He pointed to a smoothie bar next to where the boys where standing, "If I were you Allion, I'd go over there, buy a smoothie and walk away with the sexiest walk ever. Butt shakes included."

Allion stared at Mason, "He knows more than you do, Kia."

'I told you it was helpless asking her, she barely knows how to talk to Mason.' My conscience said.

I really hate you.

'And I really don't care.' it said back.

"Okay, well. Maybe he's half woman or something." I said. Mason opened his mouth to defend but I quickly cut him off, "Now go go go!" I cheered.

Allion took a deep breath and began walking.

"Wait!" I pulled her back.

I undid her ponytail and let her curly hair fall around her face.

"Go." I pushed her towards the smoothie bar.

Mason and I watched as she walked over to the bar, the boys' eyes follow her, she buys a smoothie, looks over at Kevin and gives him a boyish nod. He smiled at her, walked over and began having a conversation with her.

"Aw." I cooed.

"They grow up so fast." Mason sniffled from above me.

I chuckled, "Come on! We got dress hunting to do."

I send Alli a quick message saying to text me when she was ready to leave.

I dragged Mason off to Forever 21.

"Whoa whoa! I cannot go in there!" he said, pointing to the store entrance.

"And why not?" I asked, hands-on-hips.

"Its..its a...woman store," he said making a disgusted face.

I sighed and grabbed his hand, "Come on! Somebody has to tell me how good I look." I pulled him into the store.

Just as we enter, a girl walks up to us, "Hello! Welcome to Forever 21! May I help you?" she asked in an overly cheery tone.

"Um, we're just looking for a dress. For her." Mason said, pointing to me.

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