Chapter One

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I missed her. We didn't have much contact and to be honest, I hated it. We might look the same but we are so different. Our worlds are too different. We love eachother as sisters and best friends, but our lives broke us. So one phonecall a month is pretty much what I get from her. I did have good contact with my brother and my sister's best friend, but she didn't even text me once in a while. It made me mad, times like these make me mad. They make me wish for the good old days, where everything was normal.

I sighed and put my laptop away. It was late but I didn't even care. I was a 20 year old college student, almost in having a two week holiday. School shouldn't think I was planning on doing something two days before heading home. I suddenly heard my phone beep and grabbed it. It was a text from Frankie: "With Ari right now. We're coming home in 3 days :D Are you already exited? xoxo btw new insta video check it out" I felt my stumach flip. Ariana was coming home again? I haven't seen her in 4 months! Oh god I did miss her a lot. She was my soulmate. I missed the old us. And since I had no friends in college except four weirdo's (okay to admit they were pretty cool) who were in a band. They called themselves 5 seconds of summer. I don't know but they were weird and funny, just like me. Ashton wasn't in my college, he had already gratuated. Calum and Michael were in the same year as mine and Luke was in one class lower than me. It felt awesome to have friends like that, it's a feeling I haven't felt in a while. After all these thoughts I decided to text Frankie back: "I am exited! See you guys then :) Btw I'll check out the video ;) xx"

Two days later I was standing in front of my mom's front door. I waited a few seconds before I rang the bell, like I had to prepare myself. My mom was the sweetest, really, but it's just that Ariana is always better and she always has been. At least that was what my mom thought. "Sweetheart!" She said when the door opened. I gave her a small hug and walked into my old house. I had missed the smell of home. "I'm really happy you're here honey. Ari and Frankie are coming tomorrow too you know." Offcourse you would say something like this. "Yeah I know Frankie texted me." I answer. "Want some cookies?" She asked while holding up a plate of chocolate chip cookies. How could I resist that?

While watching some tv I opened tumblr on my phone. I had some Ariana on my tl, which made me miss her even more. Suddenly I had an incoming call. It was Ariana. "Hey girl." I said picking up. "Well hello there my sister." She answered. "There is a Hannah Montana marathon on right now, remember when we used to watch that?" I chuckled while saying this. I heard her laugh. "Omg yes. Since we are talking about the old days, guess who I met today?" I thought for a sec. "I don't know." "JIM FREAKIN CARREY." She basically yelled through the phone. Oh god he was our crush in the good old days. A genious man, truly genious. "OMG NO WAY." I yelled back. "YES! And he said stay human omg I still can't believe this." "Omg how can you not love him. You remember we always used to say b-e-a-uuutiful until mom got mad." We both laughed. "Haha yes. I think we have that on video lol." She said. "Allie dinner is ready!" Mom said from the kitchen. "I have to go little sister. Kisses!" I said into my phone. We always called eachother little sister, because we were both little. "Byebye! See you tomorrow Al!" I hung up.

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