Chapter Five

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I pushed him away. I didn't even kiss him back. I didn't even have feelings for him. He made this whole situation confusing and awkward. What a jerk. I couldn't believe he had done this. And now it's also me with huge problem while I didn't even want to kiss him. Should I tell my sister? Can I trust him again? Will my sister even believe didn't kiss her freaking boyfriend back? Ugh.

"ALLIE YOU FUCKING BITCH" This was Ariana, for sure. She stormed upstairs and pushed a magazine in my face. "What is this?" "OH YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS LOOK AT THE PICTURES!" She was yelling right onto my face. I looked at the magazine and saw Harry and me kissing with the text: "Hariana is official!" Oh god. "YOU DIRTY SLUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TAKE MY BOYFRIEND. I REALLY LOVED HIM AND YOU JUST TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME AND YOU KNOW WHAT!? I TRUSTED YOU WITH BUT FRANKLY I CAN'T TRUST YOU. SO I WON'T. NEVER AGAIN." She spit it out like it didn't even hurt her. "Ariana calm down please let me explain." I tried to tell her. "You." She pointed her finger in my face. "Are the worst sister ever." This really hit me. We were always so close and we loved eachother too much. How could she say this? She walked to the door. "Arian-" "And also, I hate you." That was it. My heart just broke in one million pieces.

"Hey! This is the voicemail of Ariana I can't pick up the phone right because I'm with my perfect boyfriend. *Harry's voice* That's me! *Ariana again* Say something after the beep and I'll call you back!" I heard a little giggle at the end. It's been two days since the fight and I've tried to call her exactly 24 times but she never picked up. I only put the effort in a voicemail twice but it didn't help. She would probably believe Harry, not me. Her own bloody sister.

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