Chapter Twenty

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"She looks so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear! And I know now... That I'm so down"

I sang along a bit hearing this on the radio. They made it. Tears were welling up in my eyes. 5 seconds of summer, my four best friends. "But why 5 and not 4?" I asked them when they first got the name. "Because you're the fifth person that connects us." Michael answered. "But shh don't tell anybody. It's our little secret." Calum added. I missed our little secrets. I missed them. The tears ran down my face as I ran out of the bakery and sat on a small bench around the corner. "Macy?" I heard Janet say. I was now sobbing. I don't how long I could keep living like this, lying even to myself. "Mac-" She was cut off by seeing me. "There you are - hey what's wrong?" She wrapped an arm around me. I couldn't talk because I was crying so much. "Maybe you want to stay at my place tonight? It's just past five so we can lock up and go there, you want that?" I whiped some tears away and nodded.

Ariana's POV

It's been 6 months since Allie has left. We all have no idea where she is and the police has stopped searching. I miss her so much. Now I get how she felt when I was on tour. But this, she might never come back. I searched for her myself but didn't find anything. I even went to Jack with Harry but he said he didn't know. We didn't believe him but after the police searched his house Harry did, but I still don't trust Jack. "Ariana we have to go!" I heard Harry yell from the front door. Him and Frankie had a relationship now for 5 months. Ashton calls me every day to ask if there is news and it hurts to say no every time. "I'm coming!" We were going to the radio station.

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