Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You will get your special suprise tomorrow." He whispered in my ear, I shivered. "Aren't you excited? Don't you wanna know what it is?" As always I didn't answer. 9:10 am, he should better hurry up. "Enjoy your burger." He said while getting up. He turned around while standing at the door. "Don't try to run away, huh?" He said jokingly, having no clue of what I was about to do. He shut the door and I heard all four locks being closed. It was time.

I was in my tunnel pushing away the last bit of sand, cold air hitting my face. I inhaled deeply. "Don't move." He said. I saw him standing at the door with a gun in his hands. "You thought you'd get away so easily?" I held in my breath, wanting to cry. He had a big smirk on his face. I knew he would shoot.  I suddenly started running, it was a big risk but I had to take it. I heard a shot but it didn't hit me. I was crying by now while running as fast as I could. I heard another shot and my hand felt like exploding. He shot me. It hurted a lot but I didn't stop running. I couldn't stop. I knew exactly where the police station was and when I saw it I ran even faster, my hand was bleeding a lot and my breath was almost gone. "Why are you here miss?" A lady behind the desk asked looking at me weirdly. I had just realised I was also fully covered in sand. "I just escaped from being kidnapped. I got shot, too." She looked at me with wide eyes. This probably never happened in this town. "You can walk in here, there will be a nusre there and she can decide if you need an ambulance. We are sending cops over to the house right away, give me the adress."

"Thank you for telling me your story miss Allie. I can tell you that this guy will be in jail for a long time, maybe his whole life. Shall I get somebody to bring you home or do you want to call anyone?" He is finally out of my life, fully. He won't come back. Jack won't come back. "I'd like to call somebody." I said whiping some tears from my cheeks.

"This is Ariana." Tears came into my eyes hearing her voice. "Hello?" She asked. "Who is it!?" I heard somebody say in the background. Ashton. "Ariana." It was silent. "It's me, your little sister." I cried a bit saying that. "Oh my god." I heard her say while sobbing. "Allie, Ashton is here too. Where are you sweetheart?" She said still crying. I heard Ashton cry, too. "I'm at the police station near our house. Could you pick me up?" I said in disbelieve that this was really going to happen. "Yes oh my god yes. We're on our way."

"Ariana! Ashton!" I yelled seeing them walking out of Ariana's car. They both turned to me and I saw how tired they were. They looked like they cried all the time, which they might do. Ariana grabbed me into a tight hug. "I love you, I love you, I love you." She said while giving my cheeks endless kissing. She let go of me and I flew into Ashton's arms. I kissed him and he whispered in my ear: "Don't ever leave us again. We love you so much."


I'm still updating a "What happened in the future?" and my A/N on this story. Thank you so much for reading.

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