Chapter Ten

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"Date. Tonight at 7 at Macy's. Wear something chique xoxo"

I just found the note between the mail. Who would it come from? Oh god no it's probably Harry. I don't want to go! I'm gonna break his heart and it would hurt me to see him cry. Or even heartbroken. I put the note in my pocket and walk back to the kitchen where Ashton made me breakfast. "Merci." (A/N: For anybody who doesn't know it means thank you) I said when he gave me my a perfect cooked egg on a lovely sandwich. "You're welcome."

"What are you doing?" Ashton walked in while I was looking for a dress to wear tonight. "I have a date." I said almost standing fully into my closet. "Oh with who?" He had his curious face on. "That's the problem: I don't know. I hope it's not Harry because I'm totally not in love with him but I have no idea who else it could be." It was probably Harry. "It doesn't matter who you're going with, anybody would love you instantly if they saw you in that dress." He said and pointed at a chivon strapless black dress. "Sure?" I was never really fond of myself. I would never call myself beautiful. "100 percent." He said.

When I was fully ready I walked downstairs (well I actually runned because I was very late). Ashton was about to head upstairs and stopped. "Whoa." I instantly got as red as a tomato. "You look beautiful." He gasped. His reaction was actually pretty genious. "Thanks." I smiled. "I really have to go now darling I'll be back around midnight I think." I kissed him on the cheek. "Have fun with my mom." He chuckled and I ran (yes again and yes with heels on) out of the house into my car.

When I was walking to Macy's it looked pretty dark. It was open right? Offcourse it was or else Harry wouldn't have invited me. I opened the doors and it looked beautiful. There was only one table set and it even had candles on it! There were little light balls thingies on the ceeling and it looked amazing. I just stood there taking it all in. "Miss you can take a seat. Your date will be here any minute." The sudden voice scared me a little bit but when I turned around it was all gone. I had recognized her from the pictures, it was Macy. Omg it was Macy. She was never really here because she owned over 300 restaurants over Europe and had to travel all around and at other times she was in her office in Londen. "Oh my god you're THE Macy right!?" I had a huge smile on my face. "That would be me. I heard you love our taco's?" I nodded. "They're my favorite." "I'll bring them in 20 minutes. You know Allie-" OMG SHE SAID MY NAME. "-you're really lucky to have a guy like this. It took him 3 days to make this all come true. I'm just telling you: He's a keeper." I smiled. "Thank you for telling me." "Have fun sweetheart." I gave her another smile and heard the doors open. I turned around as fast as a tornado and then I saw him. Oh. My. God. What the hell! "How did you... And how... Oh my god." I stuttered. He did look like really good in a tux.

Cliffhanger whoop whoop

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